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Table of Contents


titleCreate Message Source configuration assistance

NameName of the message source
TypeMessage source type
PresetPresets which can be used to simplify the remaining configuration i.e. Host/Post
HostMessage Server's hostname or IP Address
PortMessage Server's port
TimeoutConnection to be timed out based on the configured time (seconds). Leaving this configuration blank would result the timeout to be 30 second
UsernameUsername to access the account
PasswordPassword to access the account
SSLDoes the connection use SSL?
SSL Certificate Validation

SSL Certification Validation

Check Server Identity

RFC 2595 specifies additional checks that must be performed on the server's certificate to ensure that the server you connected to is the server you intended to connect to. This reduces the risk of 'man in the middle' attacks.

Read Strategy

Read Unread and Mark As Read - Only the unread emails in the mailbox are to be processed and once read, they will be flagged as read (Default). 

Read All and Delete - All the emails in the mailbox will be read and deleted after they are successfully processed.


  • You should be fully aware of the changes you make when switching between strategies as it can potentially impact your allowance.

For example: UserA has been using Read Unread and Mark As Read read strategy for past 5+ months and currently has over 2000 emails residing in the inbox. However, the user has now decided to switch the read strategy over to Read All and Delete and the consequence of this turned out that all the mails residing in the inbox folder were processed by JEMHC which resulted to exceeding the allowance. 

  • Potential impact - POP Mail Server configuration may override the instructions given by JEMHC.

For example: read strategy (in JEMHC) has been set to Read Unread and Mark As Read and the Mail Server (POP) has been configured to Delete Gmail's copy once it has been processed. The end result of this would be the processed mail will be deleted from the inbox as per configuration.



JEMHC is designed for maximum interoperability using the same mail protocols that Jira supports, namely POP/s and IMAP/s (as well as FTP). Native communication with Exchange using MAPI is not currently possible - Exchange does support POP/s and IMAP/s, so those services need to be enabled and surfaced through firewalls for JEMHC to access (see )

Gmail: POP/IMAP setup -

Gmail: Use email clients with IMAP or POP -

(info) Setting up IMAP folders in Gmail is pretty easy. The default Inbox works as expected, Gmail special folders can be accessed as follows:

No Format

If you have setup rules that auto label incoming messages, those messages are accessed via their path:

No Format

Exchange POP/IMAP setup

Setup outbound mail sending


Now we will configure JEMHC to be able to send email notifications out to Jira users and also users without a Jira user account (we call them non-Jira users). The first thing to do is configure the outbound mail server connection.

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Similarly to inbound mail server configuration, we have the choice of manually defining a connection, or using single-sign-on with Google or Microsoft if desired.

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Use the Test configuration button and submit the configuration once it is validated.

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Click next to move on to the next wizard section.

Setup Custom Fields

JEMHC needs to store email addresses in custom fields for email only user.  These fields were defined in the Profile setup earlier, so will be found now:

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Handle Jira Events

This part of the configuration is for defining how JEMHC interprets events from Jira, used to drive notifications.  In the next screen we'll define:

  • Project Key :  referred in the Profile, where issues are created by JEMHC with custom fields containing email addresses
  • Format : the format email notifications should be in, TEXT or HTML.  If HTML is enabled, you can also enable 'Wiki Rendering' such that Jira comments using wiki markup are pre-rendered for richer presentation in emails
  • Theme : the Theme selects groups of templates that follow similar look and feel, Currently, Jira and Generic are available options
  • Target Audience : JEMHC in this example is setting up for notifying Email Users, it has capability for notifying Jira users but that's not covered here

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Send Emails

Next we setup the outbound SMTP server to use, POP and IMAP are supported, with simplifications available for Gmail and Yahoo, this example will use Gmail, for which the following fields are needed:

  • Username
  • Password
  • To Email (Test) – set a test recipient, to be used by the Test Configuration button
  • Enabled – makes the outbound mail server active (notifications will start to flow!)

Custom settings

JEMHC provide some standard presets, you can choose Custom to pick your own specific hosts and ports, but its on you to ensure values are correct!  The following is a table of common outbound SMTP ports:


(info) JEMHC only supports TLS 1.2+ and only with AES 256 cypher suite or higher. 

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Testing the configuration

If  authentication and connectivity is good, clicking Test Configuration should give you (feel free to not mail me!):

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Review and Submit

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Click Submit to save settings:

Image Removedthat these non-Jira users can be notified later. On this screen, we can select what custom field is used to store a non-Jira email sender's name and address. We can also choose what custom field is used to store non-Jira user email recipients.

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If JEMHC warns that a field is not present on the projects issue screen (as above), click the link in the message. You will then be able to associate the field with the appropriate screen related to your project

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Repeat this process until all 3 custom fields of your choice are showing the status "found" in the wizard.

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Click next once this is done. Finally, JEMHC will present you with a brief summary of the changes that will occur. Clicking submit here will complete the wizard.

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On the final screen, you are given some suggestions of what to do next. If you would like to be taken to the JEMH welcome screen at this point, click Go to configuration.

Reviewing outbound settings


Outbound mail configurations are found under Messaging > Message Outbound:

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Until the mail server setting has been used, its status will be 'unknown'.  To validate this, use the POLL action to send a test mail as before:

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Outcome is that the SMTP server status is now Online (this would have happened anyway on first actual usage):

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Issue Event Notifications

The configuration for controlling what Jira Projects will drive notifications is accessed through Notifications > Notification Mappings > Issue:

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Testing outbound notifications

Recent outbound notifications can be reviewed through: Auditing > Outbound Messages, you can see the two ping messages already sent.

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The Auditing > Events view shows the webhook events sent by Jira, and indicates whether they were handled or not.  Commenting on the 'test' issue created earlier will be shown quite soon in the Events view:

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Soon after that (about a minute) the notification will be sent, shown in the updated Outbound Messages view:

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By default JEMHC will track all recent inbound and outbound notifications, retaining content of email in full in encrypted form within the database.  At your option, you can opt-out of this retention, but diagnosing any formatting or processing issues will be much harder!


Non Jira Service Desk (simple project) rolesJira Service Desk project roles
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(info) Remember to make the JEMHCoud Add-On user a JSD Agent as well (see Common Problems#Fresh-Installconfigurationchecklist)

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Default Permission Schemes

Standard Project

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Jira Service Desk Project Permissions

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About that Workaround User


When everything is valid, setting a Username and a test Project, will result in confirmation:

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About Atlassian ID
