Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




Issue Key


Project Key


Description (as Text)


Description (as HTML)


Custom Field Value (Text)


Custom Field Value (Single Choice)


Custom Field Value (Multiple Choice)

Code Block
#foreach ($item in $context.issue.fields.customfield_13600)

Reporter Display Name


All Comments (if present)

Code Block
<h1>Prior Comments</h1>
<p>Issue $context.issue.key.asText() has $ comments</p>
#foreach( $comment in $fields.comment.comments )
<h3>Comment created $comment.created.asText()</h3>

Access individual comments

Code Block
<h2>STATIC comment extract</h2>
1) $fields.comment.comments[0].id -- $fields.comment.comments[0].created -- <p>$fields.comment.comments[0].body.asText()</p>
2) $fields.comment.comments[1].id -- $fields.comment.comments[1].created -- <p>$fields.comment.comments[1].body.asText()</p>
3) $fields.comment.comments[2].id -- $fields.comment.comments[2].created -- <p>$fields.comment.comments[2].body.asText()</p>

Display comment is reverse order

Code Block
<h2>REVERSED comments</h2>
#if ($ >0)
#foreach($i in [1..$])
#set ($actualIdx = $ - $i)
#set ($comment = $fields.comment.comments[$actualIdx.intValue()])
<h3>Comment created $comment.created.asText()</h3>
no comments yet


#foreach ($aLabel in $context.issue.fields.labels) $aLabel #end

Working with dates

Date timestamps

Code Block
#set( $createdStr = $comment.created.asText() )
#set( $timeStr = $createdStr.substring($createdStr.indexOf('T')+1) )
#set( $timeSplit = $timeStr.split(":"))
<h3>Comment created date: $createdStr.substring(0,$createdStr.indexOf('T')) at $timeSplit[0]:$timeSplit[1] </h3>

Date (translate ISO dates)

Code Block
#set ($dateObj = $dateFormatter.getDate($comment.created.asText()))
$dateFormatter.format($dateObj, "dd/MMM/yy h:mm a")

Create a custom macro

The System Macros show macros defined within JEMHC and inherited by all instances:


Here is a hello world “hello world” macro , which takes two parameters, accessed through $param1 and $param2 which can then be used inside the macro body.

You can define references inside macros that are then available afterwards to the caller.  This is useful for flagging specific situations, which is what we will do with the issue resolved status.


Using the text preview again, we get to see what the rendered output showing the custom output for issue resolution looks like.


To further be sure this is doing the right thingtest the template, change the Preview Context to be an event that is not an issue resolution. Doing so will automatically re-render the content, and you'll find it isn't on the Resolved screen any more.

With the Preview Context and Template rendering features you can validate correct behaviour up front, saving time!

Example templates

Identifying recent attachments


Adding all attachments from an issue to a template could be problematic if a large quantity of attachments where are present on an issue. The following script can be used to identify if attachments where were recently added to the issue.
