Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Issue security level - If set, will apply a default issue security level to all created issues, applying some basic security by default.


Issue Visibility

  • Comment Level Security for groups - Enables matching of groups for security level checks.

  • Comment Visibility - Selects a project role or group. Naturally, these must be valid for whatever project an issue resolves to.

  • Comment Visibility Optional - This will set the comment as non-restricted when the commenter does not have the group or role set in Comment Visibility.


  • Project Auto Assign - If your mail server is capable of delivering multiple addressed email to a single inbox, eg and, that if a project KEY exists that matches 'ABC' or 'DEF' then it will be used. This is the most efficient and scalable routing solution, allowing JEMH to support n Projects with just one configuration and mailbox.

  • Project Auto Assign from Subject - Allows users to indicate a Project Key within the Subject of the email. This would be captured by a Regexp configuration.

  • Auto Assign from Sub Addresses - With an RFC5233 format addressee (, used to still support the above for KEY matching.


  • Create users - If enabled, will on receipt of email addresses in FROM:, TO:, CC: create JIRA users and set with the relevant address.

  • User Directory - Defines the User Directory to add the newly create to. Use the DEFAULT (first available writable directory in the Jira User Directories list) OR pick a specific directory.

  • Require Sign-up Email - If enabled, Users passing the user creation checks will be required to click an acknowledgement link in order to have the account created.

  • Notify Users - If enabled, will email auto-created users, enabling them to change passwords etc.

  • Create User ID from - Provides control over how the user ID in JIRA is defined. At the moment, limited to:

    • Name

    • Email

    • Alternate (future LDAP re-integration)

  • Alternate ID Provider - Defines the ID provider that should be used when creating the user Id.

  • Create from Email condition - This defines when the user should be created from an email. The two options are:

    • Always

    • Exist in alternate only

  • Allowlist user creation by email domains - A CSV list of regular expressions for email addresses that will be valid for JIRA user creation purposes (e.g.: .*

  • Blocklist user creation by email domain - Inverse of above, giving choice of pick valid domains or invalid domains.

  • Auto-join group(s) - A CSV list of names of groups that an auto created user will join. This list is absolute, so if jira-users is not included, the user will not have that group, have right-to-user JIRA, or count toward JIRA license.

  • Auto Join Group Condition  - Controls when auto-joining groups occur. The three options are:

    • On User Creation

    • For All Jira Users

    • On Creation or For users Without Groups

  • Force userId Case  - This will force the userId to be created either in lower or upper case.

  • Selected LDAP Config - Defines the LDAP configuration that should be used when creating new users.


  • Use Mail XHeader Priority - If enabled, the emails header X-Priority will be scaled by value (1-5) to the range of available Jira priorities

  • Issue Type - Sets an Issue Type that will be used by JEMH in absences of any other value set through Project Mappings and Directives. If no default is set, the System default would be used.

  • Priority - Sets a Priority that will be used by JEMH in absences of any other value set through Project Mappings and Directives. If no default is set, the System default would be used.

  • Summary - A fallback summary that will be used in place of an empty one (give that an empty subject will cause a rejection).

  • Comment - A fallback comment that is used in place of an empty one.

  • Label - CSV list of no-space-values used as labels on created issues, used by JEMH in absence of any other value set through Project Mappings and Directives.

  • IssueLink type - Allows a default issue relationship to be defined, e.g. Relates, allowing reduced typing to link issues with Directives. Worklog security The current options are:

    • Blocks

    • Cloners

    • Duplicate

    • Problem/Incident

    • Relates

  • Worklog security Role - Sets a default security Role applied to worklog notes delivered through JEMH.

  • Worklog security Group - Sets a default security Group applied to worklog notes delivered through JEMH.

  • Add Sender As Watcher - Automatically adds the sender as a watcher to created issues, not necessarily with right-to-use.

  • 3rd Party CF Support - If enabled, JEMH will attempt to initialize 3rd party Custom Fields with String (text) values supplied. Problems with such initialization will be logged at INFO level only.

  • Add Issue Entity Properties - This feature helps mail clients thread Jira notifications in the conversation that drove their creation. It enables JEMH to store the incoming message Message-ID, References and In-Reply-To headers during issue creation


  • Operating Mode - This indicates the mode that the Profile will run as. The current options are:

    • Create and Comment

    • Create Only (all messages)

    • Comment Only (conditional outcome set through MessageFiltering)

  • Catch Email Address - This is a specific address that should be found within the email. If this is not found then this Profile will not process that email.

  • Catch Email Headers - This is a CSV list of headers that the Profile should check when attempting find a matching Catch Email Address.


  • Non Catchmail Match Action - This identifies the outcome that should happen with the email when there is no matching Catch Email Address within the email.

  • No Issue referred in CommentOnly mode Action - This is the outcome that should happen when the email is not related to an existing issue. This option will only run when the Profile is in the Comment Only mode.






Sender address Processing

Jira User
  • Jira user sender to User Picker custom field - This is a User Picker Custom Field that the sender Jira user should be placed into when creating a new issue.

  • Use Reprocessed Message - Some users receive emails that are technically broken, having missing start boundaries and other problems. Enabling this option causes that stored message to be re-loaded and used instead, working around some of the problems found. This option also allows Pre Processing Tasks to be used when processing the emails.

  • Pre Processing Tasks - This is a list of task that take place when processing email. Some of these tasks are used to fix broken elements of the email e.g. missing To address. Some tasks allow for the emails to customised to provide a specific outcome.

  • Merge Re-sent messages - Once sent, if a message is re-sent, it is not a reply-to but a copy, enable this, to match the re-sent message to the issue (subject to Thread Matching Limits)

Thread Matching
  • Disable Thread Checking - Thread checking correlates email's through reply-to fields, this field allows that correlation to be disabled, leaving just subject-based issue key detection as a basis for association.

  • Thread Matching Condition - This is a condition that is used to determine whether an incoming mail is threaded to an existing issue. Current options are:

    • None

    • Open Issues Only

    • Open or Resolved In Last 30days

    • Not With Resolutions

    • Issue Matches JQL

  • Not With Resolutions - Issues with configured resolutions will not be commented on. Only applicable when Thread Matching Limit set to ‘NotWithResolutions’.

  • JQL Query - Thread matching will be ignored if the associated issue does not match the specified JQL query. Only applies when Thread Matching Limit set to ‘Issue Matches JQL’.

  • Enforce rejection - If using create and comment mode, force rejection rather than create issue.

  • Notify of Thread Match Reject - When Profile operating is in Commenting Only mode, messages that do not resolve to a pre-existing issue will be rejected. If this is enabled, a specific customisation notification about that will be sent to the sender.

  • Thread Match From: source -

  • Use Issue Custom Field for Reject Sender - Defines the Custom Field of where the Reject Sender address can be found.

  • Body Format Preference - Defines the body format preference that should be used when processing the email. The options are:

    • Text

    • HTML

  • From Address Parse Order - Defines the order that the Email headers will check in when searching for the sender address. Current options are:

    • Reply-To: then From:

    • From: then Reply-To:

  • Ignore Subject Issue Keys If... - If the addressee ( matches a known project key and projectAutoAssign is enabled, the subject will not be used as a basis for a comment, and will be created in the nominated project instead

  • Subject IssueKey (comment) Regexps - One or more regular expressions used to find issue keys in email subjects. Comma separated patterns will be evaluated in the order provided.

  • Forwarded Email Subject Prefixes - Emails with a subject matching case insensitively any of these prefixes will be considered as 'forwarded' and not be subject to content stripping.

  • Global Subject Cleanup Regexps - Regexps that are used to remove matching words/characters from the email subject. This is applied to emails that are processed by this Profile.

  • Global Body Cleanup Regexps - Regexps that are used to remove matching words/characters from the body content. This is applied to emails that are processed by this Profile.

  • Normalise Newlines - If enabled, will cause more than two consecutive newlines to be replaced with exactly two newlines (one empty line) to remove unnecessary newlines.

  • Prefix content with a Comment Header - Defines the type of users that a Comment Header will be applied to. Current options are:

    • Disabled

    • Non-Jira users

    • Both Jira and Non-Jira users

  • No Comment Header Addresses - CSV list of from addresses that shouldn’t have comment headers attached.

  • Eat empty lines leading an email - Some mail systems will inject empty lines into the email content. This option will remove these empty lines to reduce processing issues.

  • Strip-Quotes - Removes the quoted (replied to) content of mails can be stripped (see bodyRegexp also)

  • Pre-validate Custom Field values - Validates provided Directive values for Select, MultiSelect and CascadingSelect (1 level) custom fields early, reducing 'false' directive hits.

  • Email Sent Date CF - Defines the Custom Field that the Sent Date will be added to.

  • Processing throttle - Delays processing of each email by the configured number of seconds.


  • HTML Extraction Method - The extraction method that should be used for HTML content.

  • HTML Wiki Markup Escaping - Pre-escapes HTML text containing vertical bar and left curly brace to stop wiki rendering of tables and macros from html.

  • Hide HTML Links - When HTML mail is parsed, embedded links are generally extracted and listed. Check this option to hide that list.

  • Remove non-breaking spaces - Removes non-breaking spaces (<&nbsp;>) which can potentially be necessary for valid wiki markup conversion.

  • Link <a> - Defines how Links should be treated when processing an HTML email. The current options are:

    • No Links. Links are stripped and not shown.

    • Summary. Links are notarised and listed at the end of the content body.

    • Inline. Links are rendered as wiki-style links.

  • HTML Image Handling - Defines how images should be treated when processing an HTML email. Current options are:

    • None. images are treated as attachments only and not rendered inline.

    • See Attached. Images are attached and a reference ‘(See Attached)’ is left where the images were placed in the body.

    • Thumbnail. Images are attached and rendered as thumbnails within the body.

    • Full Size. Images are attached and rendered as full size within the body.

  • Use Provided Image Attributes - Use Width and Height attributes from the Image tag to render Images as shown in the browser.

  • Rendered Image Attributes - When Images are rendered inline, attributes can be added.

  • Table Rendering - Control how HTML tables are shown.

  • Heading Level - Select a level of headings to be converted to wiki markup equivalent.

  • Horizontal Rule <hr> - Conversion of HTML horizontal rule element to wiki markup.

  • Pre-formatted <pre> - Conversion of HTML Pre-formatted element to wiki markup.

  • Block Quotation <blockquote> - Conversion of HTML Block Quotation {quote} element to wiki markup.

  • Code <code> - Conversion of HTML Code {code} element to wiki markup.

  • Text Colour - Conversion of HTML text colour element to wiki markup.

  • Subscript <sub> - Conversion of HTML Subscript element to wiki markup.

  • Superscript <sup> - Conversion of HTML Superscript element to wiki markup.

  • Bold <b> - Conversion of HTML Bold element to wiki markup.

  • Italic <i> - Conversion of HTML Italic element to wiki markup.

  • Underline <u> - Conversion of HTML Underline element to wiki markup.

  • Strikethrough <strike> - Conversion of HTML Strikethrough element to wiki markup.

  • Ordered List <ol> - Conversion of HTML Ordered List element to wiki markup.

  • Unordered List <ul> - Conversion of HTML Unordered List element to wiki markup.

  • Emphasis <em> - Conversion of HTML Emphasis element to wiki markup.

  • Citation <cite> - Conversion of HTML Citation element to wiki markup.

  • HTML Tag Newline Injection - Defines when new lines should be added after specific HTML Tags. Below is the current list of HTML Tags that can be configured:

    • Division <div>

    • Span <span>

    • Line Break <br>

    • Image <img>

    • Paragraph <p>

    • Table <table>


Auto Labelling (keywords)
  • Auto Labelling Enabled - Enables automatic labelling from Subject.

  • Can Create Labels - If enabled, candidate words from the email can be created if they don't already exist.

  • Auto Add Suggestions - Use Jira's in built suggestions for the issue.

  • Add Unique Originals - If Jira doesn't make suggestions, this setting will add any unique originals that were not already suggested.

  • Capture Mode - Defines the mode that the label should created. Current options are:

    • Full Subject

    • Subject After Delimiter

    • Full Subject or Delimiter based

  • Minimum Label Characters - Defines the minimum number of characters the label can be.

  • Maximum Label Characters - Defines the maximum number of characters the label can be.

  • Auto Labelling Delimiter - Delimiter used to identify when the label should be created. This will only work if the Capture Mode is either “Subject After Delimiter” or “Full Subject or Delimiter based”.

Ignores and Substitutions

When processing subject words, this configuration will allow for substitutions (e.g. to correct common typos) and to ignore specific words.

Auto-labelling (sender domain)
  • Add Sender Domain - If enabled, will use the domain part of Email Only users addresses as tags.

  • Sender Domain Storage - Defines where the Sender Domain should be stored. Current options are:

    • Label

    • Custom Field

  • Sender Domain Allowlist - CSV list of domains that are allowed to be added into a Label or Custom Field.

  • Sender Domain Blocklist - CSV list of domains that are not allowed to be added into a Label or Custom Field.

  • Sender Domain Custom Field - Defines the Custom Field to use when Sender Domain Storage is set to “Custom Field”


  • Enable Attachments - When enabled, allows JEMH to process email attachments (requires Jira attachments to also be enabled)

  • Allowlisted Attachment Types (csv) - CSV list of file types that can be added to the issue. If the attachment is not one of these types then it will not be added.

  • Block Attachment Types (csv) - CSV list of files types that should not be added to the issue.

  • Blocklisted Attachment MimeTypes (csv) - Allows specific attachments identified as a given mime-type to be excluded.

  • Non Renamed Attachments (csv) - Allows nominated regular expression matches for filenames to NOT be renamed (could be applicable to specific files that are identified as image that are never inlined and need to retain the filename without -1, -2 being appended)

Add Email/original content to issue

If enabled, will create a ZIP wrapper containing the original content (text or HTML), and if selected, a full copy of the email (stored in neutral message/rfc822 EML text format).

  • Add Email to Issue Condition - Defines when to add the ZIP file that contains the original content. Current options are:

    • Never

    • On Create

    • On Comment

    • On Create and Comment

  • Add Original Email Body to Issue - Defines when to add a file to the issue that contains a the original email body content. Current options are:

    • Never

    • On Create

    • On Comment

    • On Create and Comment

  • Disable Zip Wrapper - Disables JEMH from putting the Zip Wrapper content onto the issue.

File Name Format - replacements
  • Create Name Format - Applicable to Issue Creation, this is a configurable format field for the ZIP, the EML part and the TEXT or HTML part. Variable replacements are applied.

  • Comment Name Format - Applicable to Issue Commenting, this is a configurable format field for the ZIP, the EML part and the TEXT or HTML part. Variable replacements are applied.

  • Add Embedded Atts - Add attachments from within message/rfc822 attached files that would otherwise remain in an attached .eml file.

  • Add Image Wiki Links - If enabled, adds a thumbnail image linking to the related attachment image, now attached to the issue.

  • Add File Wiki Links - If enabled, adds a download wiki link to files attached to the issue.


  • Custom From: email address - Allows emails from JEMH to be given a specific From Address.

  • Custom From: email name part - Allows emails from JEMH to be given a specific ‘Name’ part of the address.

  • Custom Reply-To: email address - Allows emails from JEMH to be given a specific Reply-To address.

  • Custom Reply-To: email name part - Allows emails from JEMH to be given a specific ‘Name’ part of the Reply-To address.

Sender Processing

Jira User
  • Jira user sender to User Picker custom field - This is a User Picker Custom Field that the sender Jira user should be placed into when creating a new issue.

  • Jira user sender address to Text custom field - A Text Custom Field that the sender Jira user Address will be placed into when creating a new issue.

Jira Service Management
  • Add Organization member as Request Participant - Adds Sender who is part of Organization as a Request Participant.

Non-Jira user
  • Non-Jira user sender name to Text custom field - The text Custom Field that the Email sender name will be added into.

  • Non-Jira user sender address to Text custom field - A Text The text Custom Field that the Email sender Jira user Address address will be placed into when creating a new issue.

Jira Service Management
  • Add Organization member as Request Participant - Adds Sender who is part of Organization as a Request Participant.

Non-Jira user
  • Non-Jira user sender name to Text custom field - The text Custom Field that the Email sender name will be added into.

  • Non-Jira user sender address to Text custom field - The text Custom Field that the Email sender address will be added into.

Addressee Processing

  • added into.

Addressee Processing

  • Addressee Handling - Defines how addressees should be involved within the issue. Current options are:

    • To Watcher

    • To Custom Field

    • To JSD Request Participants

    • First CCIs Assignee

  • Request Participant Filter - Defines who can be added as a Request Participant on the issue. Current options are:

    • Require Customer Role

    • Require No Use Jira

    • None

  • Assign non jira-user Email to Text CustomField - Defines the Text Custom Field that non jira-users recipients will be added to.

  • Jira account holders to MultiUser Custom Field - Defines the MultiUser Custom Field that recipients with a Jira account will be added to.

  • CC non-Jira Emails Custom Field - Defines the Custom Field that Cc’d non-jira emails will be added to.


  • Use first valid user as assignee - During initial issue creation, addressees are checked for ability to become assignee in the issue, starting with TO: then CC:


Identifies the templates and format that should be used for:

  • Forward Email

  • Comment Header

  • Hintogram

  • User Sign-up

  • Thread Match Reject


  • Auto Flush Queue - As soon as processing is complete, flush the queue for immediate delivery


  • Enabled third party Field Processors - This is a list of Third Party Field Processors that have been added to JEMH/Jira. To select/deselect the relevant processor you will have to use Ctrl + Click.

  • Indicate active Field Processor/Profile - This will prefix the description/comment with text identifying the Field Processor that was used and from what Profile.


@Since 1.2
Blacklisting is where global blacklist configuration can be made. These settings allows, for example, 'Out of office' emails to be explicitly blocked for all configurations (over and above what is defined within a Configuration.


JEMH contains velocity templates for its notifications within the plugin. TemplateSets provide a means for the end user to customize customise the content of emails sent by JEMH without requiring unpacking /repacking/ redeploying of the plugin. JEMH allows customization customisation to vary, so that different projects can receive different styles (though at this time, JEMH does not help you design those emails).


HintOgram emails look like:



Image RemovedImage Added

Image RemovedImage Added

Template Set: Forward Template Set

Forwarded mail is sent on by JEMH to a nominated user email address, in the format selected as preferred by that user. The templates are currently 'functional' but can be customizedcustomised.


Template Sets - how are they 'used'
