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  1. Go to JEMHCloud > Messages > Message Outbounds. Confirm that you have created a mail server connection.

    1. If not then you will need to create a Outbound Mail connection. See the following page for more info: Message Outbounds (Email)

  2. Go to JEMHCloud > Messages > Incoming Webhooks

  3. Enter a name and leave the Action to Send Notification and the Post method

  4. Enter the Message you want to add to the email notification body.

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  5. Add the recipients. In this case the assignee.

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  6. Press Save. The created Incoming Webhook will appear on the list.

  7. Click on "Show URL" and select and copy the full URL. Automation for Jira will call that URL when executing an Automation Webhook action.


  1. Go to your project > Project Settings > Automation > Create Rule 

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  2. Select the Scheduled trigger

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  3. Enter the Cron expression 0 0 7 ? * MON-FRI

  4. Enter the JQL rule status = "In Progress"

  5. Uncheck the last checkbox so all "In Progress" issues are reminded, not only the changed one

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  6. Add a "Send web request" action

  7. Paste the JEMHCloud Incoming Webhook URL and enter the custom data template. The resolved issue key will be posted in the HTTP post request.

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    Enter the Rule name and Turn it on.

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  9. To test the rule and the JEMHCloud integration, click on the "Run Rule". Revisit the Audit Logs to see if there is any problem.

  10. Go back to JEMHCloud  > Auditing > Event. The Incoming Webhook will be processed like any other issue and post function event. The email notification configuration is the one entered in the Incoming Webhook.

  11. Click on the Report icon to view the Report

  12. The email notifications configured in Incoming Webhook should have been sent. This is how the email looks:

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Now assignees assignee's will get notifications every morning about their current work. There is a big list of possible triggers you can use in the Jira Automation so you can customize when you want to notify your users.
