Field | Description/notes | Use in create | Use in comment | ||||||||||
custom-field | Values are considered as CSV where mulitple values are possible (eg selects, multi picker fields), in such cases, comma ' , ' cannot form part of values to be set. Custom fields can be manipulated in two ways:
| ||||||||||||
project | numeric (e.g. | ||||||||||||
priority | numeric (e.g. 4) or text name (e.g. critical) | ||||||||||||
issueType | numeric (e.g. 12) or text name (e.g. Feature Request) | ||||||||||||
numeric (e.g. 6) or text name (e.g. Closed) It’s possible to migrate an existing Issue Type with a status when this directive is used in conjunction with the For example (in the @ prefix field processor):
| ||||||||||||
components | A CSV capable field. Can be numeric (e.g. 100020) or textual name (e.g. My Magic Component) | ||||||||||||
viewable | String value matching a group or role name, used to restrict the visibility of comments | ||||||||||||
environment | String | ||||||||||||
reporter | userid or email address of given user in JIRA | ||||||||||||
assignee | userid or email address of given user in JIRA, who is 'assignable' | ||||||||||||
summary | String (single line) | ||||||||||||
description | String (multiple lines) | ||||||||||||
watchers | Comma Separated Variable list of userid's, in Jira | ||||||||||||
dueDate | Users can override the default (ISO standard) SimpleDateFormat string
| ||||||||||||
workEstimate | of format 1w7d12h30m, or any derivative | ||||||||||||
linkto | Issue Linking more information on Issue Links here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/configuring-issue-linking-938847862.html , FormatLegend
multiple links
| ||||||||||||
fixVersions | 1.3,2.1 | ||||||||||||
affectsVersions | 1.0,1.1,2.0 | ||||||||||||
vote | true (only value to make sense/false) | ||||||||||||
securityLevel | Long value, e.g. 12345. |
Field | Description/Notes | Use in Create | Use in Comment |
epic name | Required when creating an issue of type "Epic" | ||
epic link | Required in order to link when linking an issue to a parent Epic. The To link to an epic, the value used is the name “epic name” or the issue-key of the epic you are linking it to. | ||
epic colour | The colour pre-set used for the Epic. The values are |