Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


With a TemplateSet in place, and communication validated, further configuration can be made:

Postfunction Configuration


This section allows you select the Format of the outbound mail, which translates to what part of the TemplateSet would be used.  Make sure what is selected exists in the selected TemplateSet!


It is possible to define addressees for inclusion in specific addressee levels (To/Cc/Bcc).  JEMHC will include a given recipient only once!

(warning) Supplied Addresses must only be of format

Email AddressesThis is a comma separated list of simpleemail adddresses
Address Custom FieldsThese are TEXT type custom fields (single or multi-line) that contain comma separated simple email addresses
Notify ReporterYep, that.
Notify AssigneeYep, that.
Notify WatchersYep, that.
Notify Current UserIncludes the user who triggered the change.
Notify Project LeadYep, that.
Notify Component LeadsYep, that.
Notify SD Request ParticipantsIf enabled, and JSD is installed (we should probably hide this if JSD is not installed) then the users within this field will be notified
Notify UsersThis is a comma separated list of usernames. (warning) Usernames require the 'workaround' user defined in the Workaround tab in order to lookup the users address
User Custom FieldsUser picker type custom fields (single or multiple) to include users for notification


Sender Email Address can be defined, this is the literal from: address, varying it is useful in some situations but your outbound Mailserver must allow it, various outcomes will occur if it does not ranging from the default (connecting) account being used instead (Gmail), to no mail being sent at all (Exchange).

Sender Personal should not include quotes, just the text required.

Reply-To Email Address is optional, for example, could be set to


Its possible to include attachments in Postfunction notifications, there are issues (

  • All Attachments: which makes sense during 'create', and can be limited to a filename filter.  The Filename Filter is a comma separated list of regular expressions - a type of data used in JEMHC and JEMH a lot.
  • Recent Attachments: can also be used, but due to the issue above, a 'time window' is required to look back from the issue event, to find attachments created within.  This works fine on create, ad fine for simple file uploads with a small comment (eg within 30s) but will fail for 'big' comments.

Issue Update


Here you can select the Message Outbound configuration that describes the outbound mail server.  It isn't possible to know the status of a given Message Outbound in the postfunction at this time(ie it could be offline or a deadletterbox configuration).

Template Set Enhancements


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ("postfunction","adhoc") and type = "page" and space = "JEMHC"
labelspostfunction adhoc
