Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The Content tab has settings that allow the contents of the post function notification to be set. An Ad hoc type notification template set can be selected, along with the format (HTML or text), along with custom text content specific to this particular notification.

Please note that the custom text content Message field should be used as an additional plain text message. Follow Create custom Theme and Template Sets to customize notifications using the provided $issue context


The To, CC and BCC tabs allow you to specify exactly who the recipients of the notification are:

Sender Email Address can be defined, this is the literal from: address, varying address used in the email notification’s From header. Varying it is useful in some situations but situations but your outbound mail server must allow it, various outcomes will occur if it does not ranging from the default (connecting) account being used instead (Gmail), to no mail being sent at all (Exchange).

Sender Personal defines the display name of the sender address for the notification (if the configured outbound connection allows this). This should not include quotes, just the text required (for example, setting NotificationBot for this setting could result in the From header looking like NotificationBot <>

Reply-To Email Address is optional , for example, could be set to noreply@blah.comand sets the Reply-To header address of the email notification.


Its possible to include attachments in post - function notifications

  • All Attachments: which makes sense during 'create', and can be limited to a filename filter.  The Filename Filter is a comma separated list of regular expressions - a type of data used in JEMHC and JEMH a lot.

  • Recent Attachments: can also be used, but due to the issue above, a 'time window' is required to look back from the issue event, to find attachments created within.  This works fine on create, ad fine for simple file uploads with a small comment (e.g. within 30s) but will fail for 'big' comments.


It is important to make sure that the JEMHC post function you add to the workflow is positioned correctly in the post function execution order. Initially the JEMHC added post function will be first in the list , - this is not ideal because as field changes in the issue transition have not yet been applied. Move the JEMHC post function down until after the Issue has been re-indexed. This will reduce the chance of issues occurring due to missing data.


The behaviour of email-based post - functions is that one email is sent that includes every recipient (To, CC, BCC).

What changes have been made due to GDPR
