Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.





since 3.3.50


Security Disclaimer

Please note that this feature sends potentially sensitive data in a JSON payload across to a user configured endpoint!

Please review if the data sent via this feature is appropriate for the URI endpoints configured. Only send data to websites/endpoints that you trust or authorise. Consider your Data Protection Regulations.


Interface definition

Please visit out our API javadoc page: for the interface definition.

JSON example


Processing outcomes such as Forward, Dropped, Successful etc… do not prevent the webhook call as the webhook is independent from the event listener.

Successful Outcome

Code Block
    "auditEntryLink": "http://localhost:8080/secure/admin/jemh/JEMHAuditing.jspa?reportId=111",
    "emailSenderAddress": "customer@localhost",
    "processedOutcome": "canHandle",
    "catchEmailAddress": "",
    "auditEventId": 111,
    "processedSuccessfully": true,
    "profileId": 1,
    "emailSubject": "test This is a starting email template, update as required",
    "timestamp": "2021-08-24 16:44:54.397"

Unsuccessful Outcome

Code Block
    "auditEntryLink": "http://localhost:2990/jira/secure/admin/jemh/JEMHAuditing.jspa?reportId=20",
    "auditEventId": 20,
    "catchEmailAddress": "",
    "emailSenderAddress": "",
    "emailSubject": "This is a starting email template, update as required",
    "filterAction": "drop",
    "filterName": "Whitelisting/Blacklisting filter",
    "filterReason": "Silently dropping (no forward) blacklisted email [type=Profile Blacklist/Whitelist, detail=Email Sender '' was blacklisted due to clause:] : from [], subject: This is a starting email template, update as required, sent: Sun Jun 19 06:42:26 BST 2011 BlacklistHandling is DROP, returning 'drop' to delete the mail from the queue.",
    "processedOutcome": "drop",
    "processedSuccessfully": true,
    "profileId": 20,
    "timestamp": "2021-08-24 16:51:57.168"


Webhook Endpoint Requirements


Hover over the invalid webhook lozenges to see further information on the cause of invalid webhook.


You will one One of the following titles with the error reason will pop up:

Tracking Webhook outcomes via Auditing report


[FAILED] Report Outcome for Webhook

If there are failures shown in your Webhooks section If the webhook outcome is [FAILED] in the affected Incoming Mail Audit Report review the failure message as shown below:


  1. Failed due to Allowlist validation

  2. Failed due to failed URI syntax validation

  3. Failed due to general IO Exceptions. Commonly due to endpoint failing to response within 10 seconds as per or endpoint connection closed early.neccessary