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Table of Contents

Use Ad hoc notifications in JEMHC

As a JIRA account holder, you want to send an email notification from within JIRA relating to the issue in context.  You may want to include email-only recipients, as well as JIRA users though groups, custom fields, you may want those users to be specifically addressed via To, Cc and Bcc.  You may want to attach issue attachments to the outbound notification...

Step-by-step guide

Access - global

Feature enablement is done via JEMHC > Notifications > Ad Hoc Notifcations ->Configuration. By default the feature is disabled. Once you enable it, you need to grant Send JEMHC ad hoc Emails permissions in permission schemes so the right people can perform the action.

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Send customized email notifications to recipients directly from the Jira issue view. Recipients can be specified from custom fields, issue participants or manually defined instead. Email contents can be pre-built using templates to allow quick use.

Granting users access to Ad hoc notifications

Enable feature

By default, the feature is disabled. To enable its use, enable through JEMHC → Notifications → Global Configuration → Settings. Once enabled, you need to grant the Send JEMHC ad hoc Emails permission via the project’s permission scheme for users who should have access.


Grant users permission to use feature

To give access to your users, go to


Jira Administration → Issue → Permission Schemes and


edit the Permissions on your project's




Once in permissions, click on the Grant permission button.


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Select the Send JEMHC ad hoc Emails


 permission and the roles


/groups/users etc. that you want to give access to the feature.


titleDon't see the permission?

It's possible that your JEMHC Add-on descriptor is not up to date. Marketplace knows when the descriptor changes, and refreshes individual hosts over time when that happens (usually done within a few hours). If you do not see the section and see a JEMHC message as follows, you'll need to contact Atlassian Support to get them to refresh your descriptor:

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Launching the ad hoc popup


Accessing the Ad hoc Notification window

As an authorized user for ad hoc notifications, a new


Send Email action will appear in the issue view:




Don't see





It's possible that the logged user doesn't have the right permission. Use


Jira’s permission helper


tool to ensure that the user


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Due to the nature of Cloud addons, the ad hoc popup will appear in a window that is most of the current visible window.  Resizing the browser window after launch doesn't change the popup window.  Bigger is better!

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has the Send JEMHC ad hoc Emails permission.

Creating an Ad Hoc notification

Each of the sections of the


pop-up will be described, later we'll show how these settings can be saved as defaults for the project, making subsequent use much more straight forward.


Here, users


enter their unique message contents. They can also select the message format, and the related 'theme'


that combines CSS styling




macros used by


Currently we haven't defined a styled HTML adhoc notification, this could be done with a modified issue event template taken from the Support Theme, the main difference is that the header is different

Modified IssueCreated template


templates. For more information on customizing pre-made templates, see create custom Theme and Template Sets.

Modified template

Code Block
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> 
<html xmlns="">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" />
        <title>Message Title</title>
<body class="


Jira" >
  <table id="background-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
      <!-- header here --> 
      	<td id="email-content-container">
      		<table id="email-content-table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%" >

That renders as:


The definition of the header content is in the macro jemhIncludeSupportActionHeader, which can be modified within a writeable (non-system) Theme (


i.e. you'd copy the system Theme you want to modify!), that macro looks like:


Code Block
#macro ( jemhIncludeAdHocSupportActionHeader )
	<td id="header-pattern-container"> 
		<table id="header-pattern"> 
        		#if ($context.user) 
            	<td valign="top" id="header-avatar-image-container">
                   #if ($jemhUtils.isCreatedByEmailUser()) 
                   <IMG height="32" width="32" border="0" style="border-radius: 3px; vertical-align: top" SRC='$jemhUtils.inlineImage($jemhUtils.getImageUrl("EmailUserIcon1"))' alt='$messageUtils.getMessage("velocity.macro.action.header.emailUser")'/>
                   <IMG height="32" width="32" border="0" style="border-radius: 3px; vertical-align: top" SRC='$jemhUtils.inlineImage($jemhUtils.getImageUrl("SupportUserIcon4"))' alt='$messageUtils.getMessage("")'/>
                <td id="header-text-container" valign="middle"> 
                   #if ($jemhUtils.isCreatedByEmailUser())
			    <td valign="top" id="header-avatar-image-container">
                     <IMG height="32" width="32" border="0" style="border-radius: 3px; vertical-align: top" src="$jemhUtils.inlineImage($jemhUtils.getImageUrl('AnonymousUserIcon'))" alt='$messageUtils.getMessage("velocity.macro.action.header.anonymous")'/>
                <td id="header-text-container" valign="middle"> 
                   <strong>$messageUtils.getMessage("velocity.macro.action.header.$jemhUtils.webhookEvent")</strong> $messageUtils.getMessage('velocity.macro.action.header.anIssue')


When previewing the message


before sending it's also possible to use a JEMHC Translation configuration (that could apply to a remote sender, by their domain - as defined in the Translation configuration).

The expandable Context


section shows the representation of the


event data involved:


Accessing this data is relatively straight forward




For example, the following will 'extract' the current issue key:


Code Block


Here is some further reading



The Subject and Content Editors allow respective parts to be modified, there are some icons in each editor:

Previewing the message

The preview icon switches between a rendered version of the content and the edit-time


mark-up (and back), enabling expected outcome to be validated




Edit Time



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The same is available for content, but, with HTML content, its also possible to see the raw


mark-up involved:

Edit Time

Preview (as HTML)

Preview (as TEXT)


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The help icon opens up Manipulate Webhook data in a Template:

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To, CC and BCC


Email address privacy
Sending a JEMHC ad hoc notification results in one email being sent with all recipient email addresses present. If email addresses are to be private, they should be set in BCC only.

The addressee tabs allow entry of addressee recipients to be defied as To/


CC and




 Recipients can be defined in several ways:

  • statically via a valid smtp address of format
  • from a TEXT custom field populated by JEMHC storing CSV addresses of the same format as above
  • JIRA users somehow involved in the issue may be included (e.g. Watchers) as well as nominated users.  User Picker Custom fields on the issue can also be used. (info) ONE email is sent with JEMHC adhoc notifications, ALL recipient email addresses are visible.  If email addresses are sensitive, they should be set in BCC only.

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  • manually entered email addresses in CSV format, e.g.,

  • selected “text” custom fields containing email addresses in CSV format

  • selected individual users/groups

  • selected issue participant users, e.g. Watchers, Reporter, Assignee

  • selected user and group custom fields present on the issue

Additional Recipients

See Add recipients by Velocity script for more.


Optionally the sender address (From) can be manipulated and customized, allowing per-project email addresses and 'sender'


personal part


, for example "Personal Part"


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Attachments may be selected for inclusion in the ad hoc notification:


Issue Update

To track what ad hoc notifications


have been sent, it's possible to add the


message content as a comment on the issue, with restricted visibility.


Setting restricted visibility


ensures that JEMHC doesn't broadcast the


Ad Hoc message to all


issue participants:


Comments that are successfully created are then shown,


for example:



In this tab, the following settings are available:


The Ad-Hoc pop-up has two modes; Simple and Full.  Simple mode removes some of the more advanced tabs and settings in order to streamline the experience for end-users.  Full mode displays all available settings, which can be useful for power users who want more control.


Example view of Simple mode

Example view of Full mode

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Message Outbound


Select a configured outbound mail server


to be used for the sending of the Ad Hoc notification.

Remember Me


Allows saving of the Ad Hoc configuration on submission. Options are Global, Project or None.


  • If the current user is a system


  • administrator, they can save as Global for all ad hoc notifications.


  • If the current user is a project


  • administrator, they can save


  • as the default for this


  • Project.

It's possible to reload a previously defined Project or Global configuration which will update the current


window session.

Use Next


Determines what configuration should be used for future sessions (Project or Global).

Create Preview Context

A Preview Context contains the current '


ad hoc' notification context (data) which can then be used


when editing Ad Hoc Template Sets, enabling them to be previewed


with real issue data.




The Result shows the outcome of the messages delivery:

Before sending

During Sending

After Sending


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Sending the Message

When Send Message is




A confirmation window will appear, hit OK to proceed:

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Errors during send

Its quite possible for several things to go wrong during mailing a notification, the outcome will all be shown in the report,


Admin Only

In this tab, the following settings are available:


Save as

Allows you to save the currently selected configuration as the default for the project, or as a global default.

  • In order to save a project config; you will need to have the project administrator role.

  • In order to save the global config you will need to be a Jira administrator.

Use Global Configuration

Changes the configuration that is currently being used from project to global.

Create Preview Context

This creates an adhoc preview context, using the current issue as the context. This allows it to be selected when configuring adhoc templates.


Adding a visibility restricted comment

Where the user has selected an Issue Update comment visibility level that the JEMHCloud


add-on user (under which all issue updates occurs) is not part of, which means it cannot be done (in such cases, the comment


wouldn't be added to the issue



Member of a Role

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In this case, add the JEMHCloud Add-On user to the project role


When  sent, the results are shown:



Adding JEMHCloud addon user to Role

To add the JEMHCloud addon user to a role, you will need to:

  1. Go to Jira Admin > System > Security > Project Roles

  2. Press Manage Default Members on the relevant Role

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  3. Press Edit within the Default Users column

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  4. Then Add Enterprise Email Handler for Jira (JEMH) and press Add

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Filter by label (Content by label)




adhoc notification email
cqllabel in ( "email" , "adhoc" , "notification" ) and type = "page" and space = "JEMHC"


Page Properties

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