Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


There are two possible methods of installing additional Scripting Languages.

  1. Installing the files directly into the JDK - This method is to modify the JDK so that it includes the relevant files for the scripting Languages.

    titleRecommended method

    1. This method only works for Nashorn and Graal.

    2. Note: Not all Jar files contain a module-info.class file, which is required to install the modules within Java. For more info about how to resolve this see the Adding module-info.class within the Jar file section below.

  2. Installing the files into Jira-Install/lib- This method is to add the specific file to the lib folder of a particular Jira install. With this method it means that you do not need to modify the Java version that is used. This is done by placing the relevant Scripting files within Jira-install/lib.

    1. This method will work for Nashorn, Graal and Groovy.


Code Block
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/xml/bind/DatatypeConverterImpl
	at com.javahollic.jira.emh.api.export.beans.ProfileBean_JaxbXducedAccessor_version.print( [?:?]
	at com.javahollic.jira.emh.api.export.beans.ProfileBean_JaxbXducedAccessor_version.print( [?:?]
	at [jaxb-impl-2.3.0.jar:2.3.0]
	at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ClassBeanInfoImpl.serializeAttributes( [jaxb-impl-2.3.0.jar:2.3.0]
	at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.childAsSoleContent( [jaxb-impl-2.3.0.jar:2.3.0]
	at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ClassBeanInfoImpl.serializeRoot( [jaxb-impl-2.3.0.jar:2.3.0]
	at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.childAsRoot( [jaxb-impl-2.3.0.jar:2.3.0]
	at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.write( [jaxb-impl-2.3.0.jar:2.3.0]
	at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.marshal( [jaxb-impl-2.3.0.jar:2.3.0]
	at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractMarshallerImpl.marshal( [jaxb-api-2.3.0.jar:2.3.0]
	at [?:?]
	at [?:?]
	at com.javahollic.jira.emh.servlet.ProfileAuditingServletFilter.exportToMap( [?:?]

Example Working JavaAgent JVM arguments

Below is a working example JVM_SUPPORT_APPD_RECOMMENDED_ARGS argument that is used when configuring AppDynamics JavaAgent for Jira.
