Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Due to issues highlighted on the following page, It means that if you are using Java 17 with Nashorn installed within jira-install/lib then you will need to use JEMH 4.1.33+ and then use the following instead of lines 45 and 46:

  • Code Block
    var filter = pagerFilter;
    var builder = jqlQueryBuilder;

These specific classes were not initially added, but are available since JEMH 4.1.33


Code Block
//create regexp pattern to extract external id
var pattern = Java.type("java.util.regex.Pattern").compile("External ID: (([0-9]{10}) (Blue|Green|Orange|Teal))");
//This Pattern has 2 capture Groups:
    # Full Match: 1234567890 Blue
    # Partial Match: 1234567890
    # Colour Match Blue (ignored)

//Create a patternMatcher for the subject 
var matcher = pattern.matcher(subject);

//define empty values for the full, and partial match 
var foundExternalFull = "";
var foundExternalPartial = "";

//if match exists set the found external values
if (matcher.find()) {
    var groupOne =;
    if (groupOne) {
        foundExternalFull = groupOne;
    var groupTwo =;
    if (groupTwo) {
        foundExternalPartial = groupTwo;

//define values for the related issue keys for commenting and creating a subtask
var issueWithExternalId = "";
var parentIssueWithExternalId = "";

//If a regexp match is found, check existing issues for the same value 
    print("Found a TicketID of [" + foundExternalFull + "]");
    //get the user to run the JQL query as
    var user = userManager.getUserByName("admin");
    var filter = Java.type("com.atlassian.jira.web.bean.PagerFilter").getUnlimitedFilter();
    var builder = Java.type("com.atlassian.jira.jql.builder.JqlQueryBuilder").newBuilder();
    //construct the JQL query for a Full match
    var fullQuery = builder.where().field("Ticket Key").like(foundExternalFull).buildQuery();
    //get list of issues (could be empty)
    var fullResults =, fullQuery, filter).getResults();
    //get first issue if exists and add via issueKey directive to comment
    if (fullResults.size()>0) {
        var issue = fullResults[0];
        issueWithExternalId = issue.getKey();
        print("Found issue using JQL "+fullQuery+" : "+issueWithExternalId + " " + foundExternalFull);
    } else {
        print("No issues match using JQL: "+fullQuery + " running partial Query");
        //construct a JQL Query for a partial match (for Parent Issue Key)
        var partQuery = builder.where().field("Ticket Key").like(foundExternalPartial).buildQuery();
        //get list of issues (could be empty)
        var partResults =, partQuery, filter).getResults(); 
        if (partResults.size()>0) {
            // cycle through each partial match
            for(var i = 0; i < partResults.size(); i ++){
                var issue = partResults[i]
                //if the issue is not already a subtask, then it is the parent issue
                    parentIssueWithExternalId = issue.getKey();
                    print("Found Parent Issue match using JQL "+partQuery+" : "+issueWithExternalId);
    //Setup issue values
    //if an issue for commenting is found, set the current issue key to this value
    if (!issueWithExternalId.isEmpty()) {
    //else if not commenting, set the Ticket Key value to the extracted ID for future use 
    } else if (!foundExternalFull.isEmpty()) {
        resultMap.put("Ticket Key",foundExternalFull);

    //if a parent issue key is found, setup the issue as a Sub-Task
    if (!parentIssueWithExternalId.isEmpty()) {
        resultMap.put("issueType", "sub-task")
        resultMap.put("priority", "low");
