Default JSD Behaviour

Once an issue has been created, the reporter and existing request participants (possibly who existed on to/cc of a creating email) can comment.  JSD will deny un-involved customers access to comment on such issues, causing a new issue to be created instead.

Scenario 1: Allow External Customer Comments

This global settings means that any JSD customer (non-agent) who has the permission to do so, may comment on an existing JSD request.  NOTE: The default JSD permission scheme is more locked down, and this will not be enough in some cases.

Scenario 2: Dynamically add External Customers as Request Participants to enable Commenting

Since JEMH 3.0.11 (JEMH-7018), JEMH can now automatically involve customers on existing issues, without restriction (not creating a new issue). This scenario ALSO requires the checkbox in (Scenario 1) to be set.

Simply, if a non-agent customer refers an existing JSD issue in the subject, but are not (a) the reporter or (b) a request participant, they will be added to the Request Participants field (satisfying JSD security) prior to their comment being added.


A future feature to require matching of some kind, e.g. matching the email domain of the reporter and the to-be-added request participant.