
Unwanted inheritance from selecting an unsuitable Custom Field Defaults for the Default Project Mapping . For more information on Default Project Mappings: Use Project Mappings.

Values such as the Issue Attributes and Custom Field Defaults set in the Default Project Mapping will be inherited unless overridden and for Custom Field Defaults these need to be overridden on the rule level.

This may cause an issue when setting a Service Desk project as the Default Project Mapping . Having a Custom Field Defaults containing Customer Request Type may cause subsequent Project Mappings to inherit said Custom Field Default.


If Customer Request Type is set in a Custom Field Default:

During testing we have observed that having a Custom Field Defaults containing Customer Request Type may cause subsequent Project Mappings to inherit said Custom Field Default (as expected). Due to this you may see the following in your Report or Processing Details:

A comment viewable value was set Service Desk Team, but the comment creator is not a member of the defined role

This is because the Project set in the affected Project Mapping is not a Service Desk project.

If “viewable by role/group” is to a Service Desk Role/Group:

During testing we have observed that having a Service Desk Role (as shown below) set in “Viewable by Role/Group” found in Profile > Project Mappings > Default Project Mapping > Comment will cause the same forward behaviour.


When setting a Default Project Mapping please assess that any Custom Field Defaults set are relevant to additional Project Mappings. The Default Project that is used as a last ‘catchall’. To avoid these issues in your Business and Core Project Mappings; please remove Service Desk specific values.

If you are using a Service Desk project as a Default Project Mapping and are additionally planning to use Business or Software Project Mappings. Please be aware that the Custom Field Defaults must be relevant to the Business and Software projects as these will be inherited to these projects as expected.

As discussed in the scenarios section, values such as a Customer Request Type set in the Custom Field Defaults and roles specific to Service Desk set in the “Viewable by role/group” field need to be removed to prevent or Business and Core Project Mappings from inheriting these value . A Default Project Mapping and use project mapping rules to map inbound addresses to the Service Desk and Business Projects specifically and only set Customer Request Type within the Service Desk Project Mappings.