The Issue section allows specific Issue field configuration to set default values for Jira fields and custom fields.


Operating Mode

The operating mode defines how the Project mapping should operate. If an inbound email operation type does not match the operating mode, the email will be forwarded/dropped based on the chosen ‘failure action’

The following options are available:

Issue Association By Email Address

When enabled, the catch email address recipient address will be checked for an Issue Key. E.g. would comment on the issue ABC-123. See for further information.

Default Summary

When an incoming email does not contain a subject, the value set will be used as the issue summary when creating issues.


When enabled, the value provided will override the incoming email body as the issue description.

If you wish to use the incoming email body, this setting must be left empty.

Issue Type

The chosen Issue Type will be used when creating issues for the mapped project.

Sub-Task Issue Type

The chosen Sub-Task Issue Type will be used when creating issues for the mapped project when a parent issue key is provided (e.g. providing parent issue key using directive: @parentIssueKey=ABC-123).

If the project doesn't have sub-task types, select 'None'


This setting allows you to specify components for created issues.


The selected option will be applied as the default ‘priority’ for created issues.

Security Level

The selected option will be applied as the default ‘security level’ for created issues.


Any labels specified in this setting will be applied to created issues.

You can add multiple labels by separating values with a comma. E.g.: my-first-label, another-label, final-label

Due Date

The numeric value selected specifies the days left until the issu ‘due date’ for created issues. E.g. 14 would set the due date in 2 weeks.

Exclude Email If Issue Apply JQL

When configured, matching JQL will exclude comments from being added if the associated issue matches your JQL. This setting allows issues matching specific criteria to disallow additional comments (E.g. status in (Done, Closed) to prevent comments on closed issues).

See Further JQL documentation to help configure your JQL exclusion.

Exclude Email If Issue Apply JQL Action

When your JQL matches an issue, this setting specified the operation that will be performed if incoming emails attempt to add comments to Issues matching JQL. The possible actions are:

Use Mail Header Priority

When enabled, JEMHC will check the incoming mail headers for a X-priority header. If found, the Jira priority found will be applied. For more info about how to use see: Use X-Priority Headers

Service Project configuration

This section is only visible for Jira Service Management projects.

Request Type

The selected value will be used as the default request type when creating requests in JSM projects.

Software Project configuration

This section is only visible for Jira Software projects.

Epic Label

The value set will be used when creating ‘Epic’ issues, using the provided value as the epic label.

Epic Link

The selected issue will be used as the ‘Epic’ issue when creating issues.

Not all epic issues may be selectable based on the current mappings' project type.

For more info about setting an Epic Link dynamically see the following page: Deprecation of Epic Link, Parent and Parent Link Field Directives for inbound Issue creation and outbound notifications


The selected board will be used as the chosen board for created issues.


The selected sprint will be used as the chosen sprint for created issues. Requires a selected board to choose available sprint(s).

Content Headers

This section is used to define when content headers should be applied to Issues.

Issue Create Header

Defines when/if the Content Header should be applied during Issue Creation. Current Options are:

  1. Don’t add header - Content Header will never be applied during Issue Creation.

  2. Add header for email users - Content Header will only be applied for Email Only User (Does not have a Jira account) senders.

  3. Add header for email users and Jira Watchers - Content Header will be applied for both Email Only Users and Jira Users.

Issue Comment Header

Defines when/if the Content Header should be applied when commenting on an issue. Current Options are:

  1. Don’t add header - Content Header will never be applied during Issue Creation.

  2. Add header for email users - Content Header will only be applied for Email Only User (Does not have a Jira account) senders.

  3. Add header for email users and Jira Watchers - Content Header will be applied for both Email Only Users and Jira Users.

Comment configuration

This section is used to configure the visibility for comments.

Comment visibility

Allows setting of a default comment visibility level that will be attempted to be applied to all comments created via the related project mapping.

The setting is inherited from the mapping level above by default (rule inherits from mapping, mapping inherits from default mapping). However, you can choose whether to leverage this inheritance or not, depending on your use case.


Setting a group type comment visibility level requires the Jira system setting Comment visibility found via Settings > System > General configuration to be set to Groups & Project Roles

For more info about Restricted Jira comments see:

Setting a group type comment visibility level requires the Jira system setting Comment visibility found via Settings > System > General configuration to be set to Groups & Project Roles

For more info about Restricted Jira comments see:

Service Project Comment Mode

When a Jira Agent comments on a service project issue, this setting will resolve the comment visibility. Available options are:

Comment Count Limit

Default value: Unlimited. The numeric value provided will be used to reject incoming emails adding a comment to an existing issue if the comment count exceeds the provided value.

If the additional checkbox is checked, unlimited comments will be allowed.

Comment Count Limit Reached Action

If the comment count is reached, the following operation will occur.

Possible actions are:

Custom Field Defaults

If a custom field is used for multiple projects, you may not be able to set a Jira custom field default value that is desired for all projects. JEMHC custom field defaults allow default values to be added to custom fields on a per-project setting. For more info see: Custom Field Defaults

If you do not see your custom field, it may not be visible on the CREATE issue screen.

To provide a default value, fill in the required field. The value will be used unless another field setting overrides the default (E.g. an @ directive can override default values).

Workflow Advance

When certain conditions are met from an incoming email, JEMH Cloud can trigger issue workflow transitions. The workflow advance mapping defines when the transition should be applied based on matching criteria, along with the transition that should occur.

For more info see: Workflow Advance mappings

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