
This configuration is used to specify the HTML tags that should be converted into Wiki markup (displayed on the issue) and how images are shown on the issue.

Configuration options

HTML Extraction Method

The extraction method that should be used for HTML content. Current options are:

Hide HTML Links

When HTML mail is parsed, embedded links can be extracted and listed (Link <a> needs to be set to Summary). Check this option to hide that list.

Remove non-breaking spaces

Removes non-breaking spaces (<&nbsp;>) which can potentially be necessary for valid wiki markup conversion.

Link <a>

Defines how Links should be treated when processing an HTML email. The current options are:

HTML Image Handling

Defines how images should be treated when processing an HTML email. Current options are:

Use Provided Image Attributes

Use Width and Height attributes from the Image tag to render Images as shown in the browser. JEMH will use width and height values in the Style attribute, or the values from the width and height attributes directly. If no attributes found, default values from Rendered Image Attributes are used.

Only values for pixel count (px) e.g. (width="300") can be converted to markdown. Text and percentage values cannot be used. If attributes cannot be used, defaults will apply.

Rendered Image Attributes

When Images are rendered inline, attributes can be added, as per

Table Rendering

Controls whether HTML tables should be converted to Wiki Markup or not.

Heading Level

Select a level of HTML headings that should be converted to the wiki markup equivalent.

Horizontal Rule <hr>

Controls how HTMl horizontal rule should be converted into wiki markup. Current options are:

Pre-formatted <pre>

Conversion of HTML Pre-formatted element to wiki markup.

Block Quotation <blockquote>

Conversion of HTML Block Quotation {quote} element to wiki markup.

Code <code>

Conversion of HTML Code {code} element to wiki markup. Current options are:

Text Colour

Conversion of HTML text colour element to wiki markup.

Subscript <sub>

Conversion of HTML Subscript element to wiki markup.

Superscript <sup>

Conversion of HTML Superscript element to wiki markup.

Bold <b>

Conversion of HTML Bold element to wiki markup.

Italic <i>

Conversion of HTML Italic element to wiki markup.

Underline <u>

Conversion of HTML Underline element to wiki markup.

Strikethrough <strike>

Conversion of HTML Strikethrough element to wiki markup.

Ordered List <ol>

Conversion of HTML Ordered List element to wiki markup.

Unordered List <ul>

Conversion of HTML Unordered List element to wiki markup.

Emphasis <em>

Conversion of HTML Emphasis element to wiki markup.

Citation <cite>

Conversion of HTML Citation element to wiki markup.

HTML Tag Newline Injection

Defines when new lines should be added after specific HTML Tags. Below is the current list of HTML Tags that can be configured: