
We have implement some new API classes that provides some methods to extract values from the Insight/Asset objects. These can be used within both JavaScript (Script Field Processor, Script Rule and Script Pre-Proc Task) and Velocity (Templates and Custom Field Defaults).

Velocity Context available for Assets

Context name

Java Doc Page





Example uses with Object Facade classes

Below are some examples of how Insight/Asset objects values can be extracted within Velocity.

Display ObjectId for all connections made to a specific issue

This example will find all of the objects that have been referenced within the issue and will show the Object id’s for each connection.

  #set($connections = $objectFacade.findObjectTicketConnections($issue.getId()))
  #foreach($item in $connections)
      <p>Object Name and Key: $objectFacade.loadObjectBean($item.getObjectId())</p>


Object Name and Key: Object Name (Key)

Find a value of a specific attribute

This example will find the value of a specific object attribute.

#if ($objectFacade.findObjectTicketConnections($issue.getId()))
  #set($attribute = $objectFacade.loadObjectAttributeBean($objectFacade.findObjectTicketConnections($issue.getId()).get(0).getObjectId(), "Regex").getObjectAttributeValueBeans())
  #foreach ($value in $attribute)
  <p>Attribute value: $value.getValue()</p>


Attribute value: Value in attribute

Gathering a value from a specific attribute within a object selected on a Custom Field

This example will gather the objects found within a specific Insight/Asset field and will then compare against made connections on the issue and if matched it will then find the relevant attribute value within that matched object.

  #set($connections = $objectFacade.findObjectTicketConnections($issue.getId())) ##Finds all Asset connections made on the issue
  #set($fieldValue = $customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject("customfield_11301").getValue($issue)) ##Gathers the Asset objects selected on a specific Field
      ##Iterates over each fieldvalue
  #foreach ($object in $fieldValue)   
      #foreach ($item in $connections) ##iterates over each connection made
            ##Gets Id of the object
          #set($id = $item.getObjectId())
            ##Gets objectbean of the object
          #set ($objectName = $objectFacade.loadObjectBean($id))
                ## Compares if fieldvalue matches the objectbean
          #if ($objectName == $object)
                  ##Gathers the specific attribute values
              #set($attribute = $objectFacade.loadObjectAttributeBean($id, "Regex").getObjectAttributeValueBeans()) ##Gathers the specific attribute values
              <p>Attribute value: $attribute.get(0).getValue()</p> ##Displays attribute value


Attribute: Value in attribute

Example uses with Object Type Facade class

Find object type for all object connections made to a specific issue

This example will find the object type for each object that has been referenced within the issue

  #set($connections = $objectFacade.findObjectTicketConnections($issue.getId()))
  #foreach($item in $connections)
      #set($objectBean = $objectFacade.loadObjectBean($item.getObjectId()))
      <p>Object Name: $objectBean.getName()</p>
      <p>Object Type: $objectTypeFacade.loadObjectType($objectBean.getObjectTypeId()).getName()</p>


Object Name: Value
Object Type: Connected Device

Example uses with Object Schema class

Find all object schemas

This example will find the name of all object schemas that are configured within Jira.

  #set($schemas = $objectTypeFacade.findObjectSchemaBeans())
#foreach($schema in $schemas)
 <p>Object Schema: $schema.getName()</p>


Object Schema: Car
Object Schema: House