
JEMH Audit History saves a copy of the email to disk, allowing further processing (as of JEMH 1.4.7!)


Audit History has collected a range of processing failures for a number of reasons:

What Does It Do

Re-processing uses some (currently) hard-coded matching rules to determine what should be Reprocessed.  A Reprocessed Audit History entry may or may not be marked 'Processed'.  Currently the following Reprocessing options are available:


The new Reprocessing panel in the JEMH Auditing screen looks like this:

The top form allows some rudimentary parameters to be set:

Contents of the form must be saved before any related operations will work.


The lower half shows a status window. The three operation buttons are:



Automated reprocessing

Here is an example Audit History view, showing a few exceptions and a contrived buggy outcome entry:

Noting the maxId involved, the Reprocessing form is updated to reflect (maxID of 150), and setting the rule type to withException (must be applied).

Checking rule matches

The matches to rules can be quickly checked:

Click the Check Matches button updates the information, showing the rule applied and matches found, note that 2 were found as shown above.

Download match list

For sanity, the matches can be downloaded as CSV by clicking the Download list button:

Running the reanimation

Running the reanimation is just a click on the Run button:

The process will be started in the background and a progress bar will by dynamically updated in the background:

Refreshing the page will show the previous failed entries marked as Re-processed, and refer to the new ID of events for the post-processed entries:

Manual Reprocessing

Its also possible to manually trigger reprocessing, but this doesn't 'clean up' the original entry as the rules driven reprocessing do

Monitoring through REST

When you have an active authorized http session, you can monitor what is going on through the browser:




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