Work in progress!

Support for JEMH-OD, as an OnDemand add-on crosses several areas of responsibility.  Here is a recent email regarding how support for add-ons like JEMH will proceed:

The JEMHOD issue tracker is the place to go for feature / bug related traffic.


We had a question raised by a number of vendors recently about the support add-on vendors are able to give to customers of Connect add-ons. We have been working on streamlining this process, and this is still a work in progress (so you should expect more on this front). Here is where we're at:

Who's involved? the customer, the Atlassian Support team, the vendor (you), and the Atlassian Connect team
  • Issues raised by customers through the Atlassian Support JIRA
    • Members of the Atlassian Connect team are included in the support ticket by the Atlassian Support team, so we are aware straight away of support tickets related to add-ons.
    • If the issue is due to an add-on malfunction:
      • The Atlassian Support team notifies the customer that they need to contact you directly, and leave the ticket open
      • When necessary, the Atlassian Support team requests confirmation from the customer that it is OK to add you to the ticket. If so, you will be given visibility to the ticket. 
      • You can use this ticket to request more information, for example data from the OnDemand instance logs
    • If the issue is due to the an issue in the Atlassian Connect platform:
  • Issues raised by customers directly with you
    • If you do need data from the OnDemand instance logs, raise a ticket in the Atlassian OnDemand Support JIRA and specify which instance you need the data for. The Atlassian Support team will include the instance administrator in the ticket to make sure they are aware of it
    • If you identify an issue which you think is in the Atlassian Connect platform: create a ticket in the Atlassian Connect JIRA
Next steps for you
  1. Make sure your contact details are up to date on Marketplace - that's how we know how to reach you!
  2. If you haven't already done so, create an account on the Atlassian Support JIRA. We suggest you use "Firstname Lastname [Company]", e.g. "Tanguy Crusson [Atlassian]" so we can find you easily.
  3. Make sure you watch the Atlassian Connect Status page and subscribe to the RSS feed - this is how you can receive real-time notification of critical issues affecting Atlassian Connect add-ons in production.