Current status

We are investigating issues with installation of the app and are currently in contact with Atlassian regarding why the app is failing to be installed from the marketplace.

Please see for our linked app listing.

What is changing?

Due to how Atlassian marketplace listings are created, the current CSUMCloud add-on does not link to the existing Custom Space User Management Server/DC listing.


Both versions of the app should be listed under a single marketplace listing.

We are preparing to release a linked cloud listing to remove the duplicate listings in Marketplace. This change will include:

Am I affected?

When you access the CSUMCloud app, through either the Space Settings, or the Global app settings, affected users will see the following alert:


If you see this alert, it means you are using the old deprecated app listing. Please read on to understand how to migrate your data to the new app listing.

How to successfully migrate?

You can now install the correct marketplace listing from

Don’t worry - you can export your global settings configuration from the old addon and import into the new add-on to speed up the configuration step. (See ‘Export your existing data’ below).

Export your existing data

In the existing app, navigate to the System Admin page. In the top right, there will be two buttons to allow you to import and export your configuration.

Select ‘Export’ to receive a json configuration file of your existing settings.

Install the new app listing

Please view the Cloud version of our existing app listing at

Import data into the new app listing

In the new app, navigate to the System Admin page. In the top right, there will be the option to ‘import’ your data.

Select the exported json file to upload your migrated settings.

Privileged user tokens are not exported - you will need to manually set these on the new app. See Configuring the Privileged user credentials for more information.

You can now uninstall the old app listing and continue to use the new add-on.

What happens if I don’t use the new add-on?

The existing add-on ( ) is being sunset and will eventually no longer have any group membership functionality to encourage migration to linked marketplace listing. After this, security updates and fixes for the old add-on will no longer be supported and space admin operations will not be permitted.

After this, the app will be requested to be removed from the marketplace, ensuring only a single add-on linked to the server/DC version exists.