(info) work in progress


1. you have a mail-server that you have previously been able to pull email from, to create issues in JIRA (ie connectivity and authentication are proven).
2. you have an outbound mail-server that has previously been able to send email.

Starting point:

# create a JEMH Profile,
#* set _Project > default project_
#* set _Issue > issue type_
#* set _User > default reporter_ -- NOTE: the default reporter is a proxy account, it should *not* be an active user, or be expected to interact in any way. CHANGE the email address of this user to 'emailuser@disabled.com' etc.
#* set _Email > catchemail address_ to be your 'incoming' mailbox eg you@yourco.net
#* set _Email > SENDER PROCESSING: NON JIRA-USER > Assign non jira-users Email to Text CustomField_ to a TEXT custom field visible in your issue
#* set _Notifications > On Comment Event Behaviour_ : alwaysFireComment
# create a JEMH Test Case email 'from' an external address (unregistered)
# run it against your profile
# outcome: an issue, with the TEXT custom field populated with the sender address.

Sending issue created Acknowledgement

# set _Notifications > Notify users on issue creation_ : ALL , this will send a Profile driven notification back to users of 'issue created', whether EMAIL or JIRA users.

This is 50% of the work for email only users. Next, outbound notifications of comments and updates.

# In the Event Listener section:
#- set _Issue Events > Listener Enabled_ : ON, to turn on the Event Listener
#- set _Issue Events > Disabled Domains_ : _the email address of the default reporter set above, eg emailuser@disabled.com_ This filters the proxy user from any outbound notifications.
# click _New Project Mapping_ and enter the KEY of the project you set above. Initially non-jira (email only user) config is presented. Pick choices like notification format (text if you intend to customize or html for nicer defaults)
#- Observe that 'filter sender' is set, this applies to email only users, stops them receiving echo's of their own comments.
#- set the _CSV email Custom Fields_ to include (its a comma separated field) the name of the custom field you stored the senders email in.
#- click the tick, to enable all events.

This is 75% of the work, email only users should now receive all comments and updates.

For JIRA user notifications you have choices.
- blue pill : Leave JIRA Projects to select a notification scheme (outside JEMH) and JIRA users will receive default notifications without any JEMH intervention.
- red pill : Deselect Project notification scheme, and in the JEMH Event Listener (JIRA user notifications tab) Project Mapping, re-select that notification scheme, this switches the handling of notification to JEMH. Then. there is a similar set of even-enabling / comment filtration settings.

that is 100%.