A basic example case is created which tests the functionality aspects of the Forms for Confluence to ensure a custom form created in Confluence is able to generate a ticket in Jira via JEMH.  

Please ensure you have the Forms for Confluence plugin installed

Mail Server Configuration

A mail server configuration needs to be in place where the notifications are going to be directed towards. If a Mail Server is already configured in Confluence, it will be used as a default one. However, if you want to provide another Mail Server Configuration, it can be done so within the *Forms for Confluence* page

Form Configuration

This is the driving factor which will be used as a trigger for the notification.
You can have multiple different Form Configuration which can be used to drive different behaviour/notifications, track the usage of the form ID as in which pages they have been applied on, be able to edit the ID without having any knock on effect and drive different form ID towards different destination i.e. Email, Internal Database and Script Runner for Jira.

Creating a form

In this example, we will start off by creating a *Blank Page* which will hold our form for User's Feedback:

Once done, give a title and click on the *Insert more content* option on the toolbar and select *Forms*:

Once a form macro has appeared, all your input information will reside within the information (Name (Input Field), Email (Input Field), Age (Drop-down), Mobile (Input Field), Feedback (Input Field)) and publish the page and you should have the following page view:

Input the information and *Submit* and successful message will be displayed to indicate the notification has been generated. I.e. (Raw format of the notification)

For testing purposes, this notification is going to be copied into a test case to prove the raw email can be captured by JEMH and pushed into Jira (do note that notification content is text/html). The audit information should show all the description being pulled through. Do note that <br> tags do not take effect in the audit information screen but when you go over to the Issue screen, you should see the corresponding information is a suitable format.