Clone Space Groups

Clone Space Groups

DC Only feature

In CSUM 3.0.35 you can now clone groups from another space, re-creating groups with the local Space KEY, retaining the same permission allocation.


The first step in cloning a group is to select a space. Click on the input field labelled ‘Choose a space to clone groups from’ then begin to type the space name or unique space key. Once three letter have been entered a list of suggestions will appear. Select the space you would like to clone groups and users from.


Once a space has been selected the table on the right will be populated with groups that belong to that space.

The table of groups will be displayed along with the potential number of users to be cloned also. Check the boxes next to the groups you would like to clone

Now leave the 'Clone group members option checked if you would like to clone the groups along with the group memberships.

Finally click the ‘Clone’ button at the bottom of the page when ready.