The Plugin People
Enterprise Mail Handler for Jira Data Center (JEMH)
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First time Install - two minute quickstart
First time Install - two minute quickstart
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How-to articles
How-to articles
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How Do I....
How Do I....
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Migrating from Server/DC to Cloud
Migrating from Server/DC to Cloud
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Common Problems
Common Problems
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Technical Details related to data usage
Technical Details related to data usage
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The Plugin People Knowledge Base
The Plugin People Knowledge Base
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JEMH App Documentation
JEMH App Documentation
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Show more above
1 - What is JEMH
2 - Configuring JEMH
Feature Overview
Enabling JEMH logging
Configuration Questions
Two minute JEMH quickstart
How Do I....
Use Email Allowlisting and Blocklisting within a Profile?
Integrate JEMH with JIRA Service Desk
Add JIRA users without project permission as non-JIRA users
Associate an email with an issue
Change the EventID or Ignore an Event
Change the From: Address in Notifications
Completely remove JEMH configuration database tables
Configure Audit History Purging
Configure Inbound Mail for JEMH
Configure JEMH for a Helpdesk environment from scratch
Create a TestCase
Create an Ad-Hoc Template for "Notification Scheme Entity count exceeded" Notifications
Create and Update Profiles using REST (deprecated api)
Create Images Inline from HTML mail
Create Issue based on another (Templated Creation)
Create Issues
Customise the Comment Header
Customize Email Templates
Customize text messages in Templates
DataCenter Licenses (Eval and Purchase)
Diagnose Issue Creation Failure
Enable client side filtering and sorting of messages
Enable confirmation for user creation?
Enable Issue Created Notification for both Portal and JIRA Email Users (and prevent duplicate notifications)
Enable non-Jira Account holders to receive issue updates and create/comment on Issues
Enable non-Jira account holders User Creation
Enable Inline Images (Inbound and Outbound)
Ensure that attachments added whilst adding a long comment are sent
Get JEMH to match incoming emails when the inbound address was a Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)
How to integrate application logging errors with JEMH
Installing JEMH through the UPM
Integrate EMQ with JEMH
Know what template/macro data JEMH is caching
Monitor JEMH remotely
Notify JIRA users of Issue Creation (regardless of "Notify me of my actions")
Only send notifications when issue is in an active Sprint
Reduce Spam
Remove replied-to content
Restrict default visibility of comments to JIRA users only
Route Jira user and Non-Jira user addresses into custom fields
Send a simple acknowledgement
Send an email but keep quoted comments ( dont stripComments )
Setting a Custom Field Value using 'Custom Field Defaults' and Velocity
Set Jira Service Desk Organisations
Setup all JIRA account holder recipients as watchers
Stop email loops
Stop the sender or defaultReporter being added as a watcher
Submit emails via public REST /deliver API
Use a TestCase for quick testing
Use Adhoc Notifications
Use Aliases
Use Auto Join Groups
Use CommentSecurity
Use customized event templates
Use Gmail with multiple profiles
Send Hint Notifications to Non-Jira Email senders of failure to create/comment
Use Issue Keys in email addresses
Use IssueSecurity
Use JQL to locate issues in a script
Use Profile Groups
Use Project Mappings
Use Scriptlets
Use Subject Issue Key Matching
Use the JEMH Notification Post Function
Use the JEMH Transition Attachments Custom Field
Use Thread Match Rejecting
Use Transports
Use Workflow Rules to transition issues on a per-project basis
Validate Email Structure
What information is needed for a support ticket
Working with distribution groups
Disable Mail Threading using Ad-hoc and/or Post Function
Selectively process office365 filtered mail
Get automatically added as a Jira Service Desk Request Participant
View template set change history
Add Inline Images/logos in notifications
Update JEMH Profile via XML
Manipulate Profiles through REST
Use JEMH For JSM Notifications
Using LDAP in Notification templates
How Security Levels Affect Notifications
Use JEMH Public Rest API to Export, Import and Update profiles
Use Webhooks
Remove signature text and images from emails
Send issue creation notification for particular nominated recipients
Automatically Assign a New Issue to a Sprint
Using X-Priority Headers
Drop an email that has a Precedence header when using a Profile Group
How to Forward an email thread into an Issue
What happens when you run out of disk space
Use Jira Assets (Insight) Custom Fields
How Catchemail mailbox addresses are identified
Resolve JEMH Folder is not writable Banner
Forward Email Notifications
Use Custom Directive Date Formatting (JEMH Server/Dc)
Use the JEMH Script Postfunction
Import additional classes into groovy
Migrate a google user/group member to an Alias
Support mail with UTF-7 encoding using JDK17+
Common Problems
Handling Non Conformant emails
Enabling internal user comments to be restricted by default but not the remote user
I have four email addresses, how do I setup JEMH?
Project Mapping (from address) - example
Project Mapping (group) - example
Routing issues to a project - by user group membership
Supporting JIRA and email only users for email issue creation
Attachment could not be extracted
3 - Licensing
4 - Reporting Issues with JEMH
6 - Supporting Information
7 - Development & Automation
8 - Roadmap
9 - Bootstrap Profile examples
10 - JEMH Application Docs
How-to articles
Language Resources
Enterprise Mail Handler for Jira Data Center (JEMH)
How Do I....
Get automatically added as a Jira Service Desk Request Participant
Get automatically added as a Jira Service Desk Request Participant
Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Owned by
Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Last updated:
Apr 30, 2019
2 min read
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