V1.1.16 deployed

New Features

  • JEMHC-18 JEMHC Postfunction - Support has existed in JEMH (for JIRA Server) for a long time, now this has been added to JEMHC.  The Postfunction effectively allows Ad hoc notifications to be sent to arbitrary recipients in response to workflow transitions.  This notification is an addition to the existing notifications sent by JEMHC in response to user/issue edits.  A configuration How To is on the wiki, see Send post function notifications This required a change to the addon descriptor, you will have to manually Update JEMHC to get this feature via Manage Addons > JEMHC > Update.  In this feature, the Postfunction refers to a defined Ad hoc TemplateSet defined in JEMHC > Notifications > Templates > Template Sets.

  • JEMHC-474 Add auto-complete capability to template editors.  Now, its possible to use CTRL-SPACE to auto complete what is 'available' in the velocity context, and more usefully, what is in the 'webhook payload'.  Some familiarity with the JSONObject structure will be needed, but this should speed up tree navigation when a Preview Context is set on a template.


  • JEMHC-475 E-junkie datapack purchase integration broke.   Additional security prevented this working, meaning purchase had to be 'applied' manually via support, now fixed, everything is automatic once more.


  • JEMHC-479 HipChat UI text updated in the application and wiki to clarify the difference between Global (system events, eg mail forwarded) and Project (issue events, eg created/comment/update).