V1.2.33 released

Ok, so we have a new release for you:


To provide masses of headroom, the Multi-AZ applications nodes have gone up to m2.medium, supplying double system processing capability and RAM headroom.

New Changes

Tidy ups

  • https://thepluginpeople.atlassian.net/browse/JEMHC-815 Define global blacklisting scope by profile.  We now allow users to customize what were previously system-default subject blacklist regexps:

  •  Multi line description with blank lines first line only being processed - allow empty lines in multi-line capable directive values

  •  We noticed that some user regexps managed to go into a tail spin, we now detect this and communicate every time it happens via forward so you can fix it. 

  •  We've exposed more service availability metrics through the  Auditing > System Statistics section to:  http://stats.pingdom.com/y5fclcslkrgk