V1.2.106 Released

Hot on the heels of the HipChat Transport added in 1.2.104, this release adds a SMS Transport through web gateway services such as Twillio.

  • 17 Sep 

    JEMHC-1124 HipChat notification mapping config improvements

  • 17 Sep 

    JEMHC-1125 Profiles used for Hipchat only feedback handling get listed as unused

  • 16 Sep 

    JEMHC-1120 SMS Transport, Notification Mappings and Post Functions


The core Transport in JEMHC is Email, however, HipChat (Integrate HipChat with JEMHC)  and SMS (Short Message Service (SMS) Transport) have now been added.

HipChat and SMS Notification Transports are FREE!

We're happy to say that yes, both HipChat and SMS notifications are FREE and don't count towards your Plan consumption - they are lightweight by comparison to Emails and the overall impact to JEMHC of these notifications is low.

Example SMS Scenario

Did you know that JEMHC enables you to determine whether a notification should be sent or not? In the case of SMS, it's also possible to add additional SMS delivery phone numbers.  Some examples of what can drive these decisions are:

  • any issue property (ie,notify if the Priority is Blocker)

  • if the time is within a particular time range