Recovery of Webhook data has completed
Recovery of Webhook data has completed
As of 17:45 UTC, JEMHC has completed recovery and processing of 59098 webhook events not processed during the downtime on 1st August.
Following the unexpected downtime from Monday 1st August ( See https://status.thepluginpeople.com/incidents/3ynd7s2x5mqq ), JEMHC begun the process of recovering webhook data not processed during App downtime.
From our recent status (https://status.thepluginpeople.com/incidents/kyjt0h2526cg ):
Issue event webhooks that were not processed during the outage on the 1st August are being processed. This will not affect your usage of the app. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused due to webhook processing delay over the past 72 hours.
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