Excluding attachments by type, size and file name

Excluding attachments by type, size and file name


As an administrator it may be desirable to exclude certain attachment files based on their file size or name/content type. A common use case for attachment exclusion is images contained within email signatures. Signature images are often icon sized so as an administrator you could exclude all image files below a certain file size to filter these attachments from created issues. Attachment exclusion can be configured globally or at project level by a project administrator.

Attachment exclusion configuration can be accessed by pressing Exclusions in the JEMHC navigation bar followed by Exclude attachment by content type, size and file name. By default no exclusion rules are created so you will be presented with an empty list of rules.

To create a new attachment exclusion rule press the Create button, this will trigger a popup window where you can input rule configuration.

Attachment Content Types

A list of MIME content types to be excluded. A super type can also be chosen such as "image" to block all image/ content types.

File Size Range (bytes)

A file size range (in bytes) of files to be excluded, can be used in combination with other configuration options within the rule.

File Names

A comma separated list of regular expressions used to match against file names destined to be excluded.


Defines when to exclude attachments. Incoming emails, outgoing emails or both.


An optional reason that can be defined for the exclusion rule for future reference.

Project Key

The project that the rule will be scoped to, by default rules are scoped globally meaning they apply to all projects. Selecting a specific project will scope the rule to that project only.

Exclude all images with a file size of less than 10KB

All images with a file size of less than 10KB can be excluded by setting the content type to the super type of image, the file size range can then be defined as between 0 and 10000 bytes (10KB)


Exclude all files based on file name

In this example I have decided that I would like to exclude all attachments that contain the word "keyword" in the filename, I can achieve this by providing a regular expression for the filename and not selecting any other configuration options.


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