Jira Service Desk problems

Jira Service Desk problems

Cannot set multiple Organizations through Custom Field Defaults or Directives

Organization support (translation of names to id) was added in 2.3.6

Currently JSD Server API cannot process updates from the Jira Issue Service (IssueInputParameters) where multiple Organization ID's are supplied.

Using Jira Service Desk 3.3.x customers get multiple notifications for same event

JIRA Service Desk 3.3.x changes the way that it handles customer notifications.  The result is that it is no longer a one-click operation in order to disable the JSD notification system and have JEMH as the only notification source.  Each project now has a customer notifications section, where you will need to disable each of the rules present in order to stop them from being sent.  Please see https://thepluginpeople.atlassian.net/browse/JEMH-5253  for more details on how to do this.

Cannot approve a Service Desk issue via JEMH

Jira Service Desk 3.2.0 introduced a new approval feature to workflows.  As of version 2.7.0, JEMH supports this feature - see https://thepluginpeople.atlassian.net/browse/JEMH-5010 for more information.

JSD entity properties could not be set: Comment Entity could not be set: [sd.public.comment = {"internal":false}] : You do not have the permission for this comment.

When a customer user comments via email, the comment may fail to be made public and you may receive the following hint:

During resetCustomerCommentsPublic, JSD entity properties could not be set: Comment Entity could not be set: [sd.public.comment = {"internal":false}] : You do not have the permission for this comment.

This usually occurs because the Customer User does not have the "Edit Own Comments" project permission.  Granting this to the user should prevent further occurrences.

When Agents use Share with Customer, customers are not notified

Historically, JEMH struggled to consistently determine whether a created comment was public or private (internal). Newer versions of JEMH do not have these problems. Please upgrade to the latest version of JEMH available for your Jira via the add-on management screen. In order to get the best Service Desk experience, we recommend upgrading to at least version 3 of JEMH (for Jira 8.x).

Issues created by JEMH are not visible in the Customer Portal

In order for issues to be visible in the JSD customer portal, they must have a value set for the Customer Request Type field.  See below for more information on locating and setting a value.

Locating the Customer Request Type

Prior to JSD 3.1 it was possible to locate the value that JEMH needed to set for the Customer Request Type custom field, by enabling the field, and examining the REST response.  In 3.1, that is no longer possible ( https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSD-3471), as a result, there are only two ways to locate the required value

Due to details of implementation (see JSD issue above) the exact format of this value is subject to change and has already gone through one format change, dropping hyphens, JSD appears to retain existing keys where defined, but uses the new format for new instances, possible upgrades.

The format of a Customer Request Type that JEMH needs to set in a Profile > Custom Field Default or Project Mapping is currently xx/yyyyyyyy where xx is the lower cased project key for the related service desk, and yyyyyyyy is the lower case (currently non hyphenated) key of the Request Type, see example below:

JEMH Log Output

Jira 7.4.0 / JSD 3.6.0 Introduced changes that prevent JEMH from accessing the customer request type values, you will need to use the database query below to locate the customer request types if you are running JSD 3.6.0+

From JEMH 1.9.3, and with the latest JSD 3.1 series installed, JEMH will make an attempt to log out the JSD Customer Request Type keys when accessing the JEMH Profile Configuration screen, see Installation, Setup and Logging, it will look like this:

2016-03-04 16:11:03,729 http-nio-8080-exec-1 DEBUG [emh.ui.action.JEMHConfiguration] JSD is available 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=15, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10000, iconId=38, key=systemproblem, name=Report a system problem, desc=Having trouble with a system?, help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=16, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=27, key=getithelp, name=Get IT help, desc=Get assistance for general IT problems and questions., help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=17, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=20, key=accountproblem, name=Fix an account problem, desc=Having trouble accessing certain web sites or systems? We'll help you out., help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=18, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=28, key=guestwifi, name=Get a guest wifi account, desc=Raise a request to ask for temp wifi access for guests., help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=19, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=34, key=vpn, name=Set up VPN to the office, desc=Want to access work stuff from outside? Let us know., help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=20, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=25, key=adminaccess, name=Request admin access, desc=For example, help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=21, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=31, key=newaccount, name=Request a new account, desc=Request a new account for a system., help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=22, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=4, key=newhires, name=Onboard new hires, desc=Request access for new employees., help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=23, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=10, key=compsupport, name=Desktop/Laptop support, desc=If you are having computer problems, help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=24, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=21, key=phoneredirect, name=Set up a phone line redirect, desc=Request a redirect of our phone systems for a specific date and time., help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=25, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=37, key=newsoftware, name=Request new software, desc=If you need a software license, help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=26, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10001, iconId=18, key=newhardware, name=Request new hardware, desc=For example, help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=27, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10002, iconId=16, key=upgradeserver, name=Upgrade or change a server, desc=For example, help= 2016-03-04 ... RequestType found: id=28, portalId=2, issueTypeId=10002, iconId=23, key=upgradesystem, name=Upgrade or change a managed system, desc=For example, help=

Database Query

  1. Find the issue ID of an existing issue which has the request type you are looking for set. Here are two ways to find this id:

    • View an existing issue and hover the cursor over the "Edit" action button.  Your browser should show the issue ID in the hyperlink URL

    • Go to the REST API endpoint for an existing issue (e.g. http://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/issue/SD-13). The issue ID number can be found on line 2:

      {expand: "renderedFields,names,schema,transitions,operations,editmeta,changelog,versionedRepresentations", id: "10501", self: "http://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/issue/10501", key: "SD-13"
  2. Use an SQL query on your Jira database to list the custom field values for the issue.

    The query result should contain a field value that matches the format of projectKey/requestType:

     The following query can provide a unique list of Customer Request Type values in your system.  Use the target projectkey lower cased to scope the query result:

  3. This value can be automatically used in future by JEMH, through the use of a Custom Field Default for Customer Request Type