Getting support

Getting support


Want to get help quickly?

Go to our support portal and create an account

This page will show you how to get in contact with us and get timely support.  It will also guide you on how to provide required information up front that will lead to a faster resolution of your issue!

Support SLA

See our Support SLA for details on when and how we provide support for our customers.

Support Channels


Technical Support

Email users may also send support requests to support@thepluginpeople.com - this will create issues by email through our Enterprise Mail Handler for Jira Cloud app.

Sales Support

For sales related queries email can be sent to sales@thepluginpeople.com.


We are phasing out access to support issues via standard Jira issue view in favour of using the Customer Portal. Going forwards, support will only be available through the portal.

Pre-existing Atlassian ID Users with historic interactive access

Historic users have site access (but not app access to use Software directly) and will be redirected to the support Portal on access to our default site.

Confluence access is available by going to:

New Atlassian ID users

New visitors will not be given site access, but, being unregistered will be able to access our Confluence anonymously. Such users must register for a separate Portal account to log support cases.

Confluence access is available by going to:


Unexpected outcomes for reuse of email address from a removed account

We found a bug in the Portal signup (seemingly closed https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSDCLOUD-6043), that prevents a previously registered email from being re-used (regardless of whether that account exists any longer) for a Portal account. In this case, registration appears to complete, but fails silently, no portal account is created and no ‘validation’ email ever arrives. Atlassian is aware, we have an open support case to resolve.

If this affects your access, we recommend creating a portal account with an alternate email, or using a sub-address in your main email (e.g.: user@domain.com becomes user+ppl@domain.com) that will still ‘deliver’ to the main address. If you use the sub-address path, note that:

Creating a Portal Account

  1. Sign up here

  2. Check your mail for a mail from jira@thepluginpeople.atlassian.net with subject Finish signing up to The Plugin People

  3. Click Sign-Up and set your display name and password

Accessing the portal

The portal is here

Existing Atlassian ID Users

Existing Atlassian ID users are being gradually removed from the site, historic issues remain.

Historic support case migration

Historic support issues can be migrated to an existing portal account with the same registered email address on request.

Confluence access

Public read only access remains for all variants users (anonymous, portal user or Atlassian ID).

Telephone and Remote Desktop Sharing

Support by Telephone or Remote Desktop Sharing are not our primary support channels.  We are usually able to resolve most support requests quickly through our Jira, so this is the recommended way to contact us.  For absolute emergencies, see the Plugin People Homepage on Atlassian Marketplace for details.  It is likely that you will still be required to log an issue through the Portal in order to allow us to track progress.  If we deem sufficient progress cannot be made through Jira correspondence alone, we may opt for a more hands on support method although it is not a first option.

Requested information when logging a Support Request


Make the summary something that concisely describes your problem, "Its broken" or "It doesn't work" is non-specific and doesn't aid understanding!


Make the description more detailed that the summary, provide a walk through of:

  • What is the result you want to get

  • What results are you getting now

  • What have you tried to fix it?

Required Data

The following are globally required values, please remember to set key information on the issue when logging a support case:

  • Atlassian application and version, e.g. Jira 6.2.7

  • Database, if you have a start up problem (e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL)

  • Plugin People Product name (e.g. JEMH, SU, EMQ)

  • Plugin People Product version (e.g. 1.2)

Time/Issue Key

If logs are provided, please identify the time at which the problem was observed, and the issue involved.

JEMH Specific Support Information


Log Filename



Log Filename





Can give an insight into potential problems that Jira is experiencing.



Provides information about emails retrieved by Jira. Enabled via Jira System Admin > Troubleshooting and Support > Logging & Profiling >  Mail > Incoming Mail), it needs to be ENABLED with DEBUGGING enabled too.

jemh.log (previously emh.log)


See Enabling JEMH logging for steps on enabling


 DO identify and let us know specific times to look at in the log file, and if applicable, Issue key that identifies the time you observed the problem.  If you are not clear on the time, reproduce the problem by creating a JEMH Test Case from JEMH Audit History email content (there is an option for each audit history row).

 DO NOT paste large log content into Jira issue descriptions or comments.  Attach as a file instead!


 DO attach plain text emails via JEMH Audit History exports of emails that you can confirm have caused a problem, and ideally, you can still confirm cause a problem by converting them into a JEMH Test Case and running it against your Profile.

 DO NOT attach .msg format files where possible.  They are a binary proprietary format that cannot be used as easily as a plain text email.

 DO attach a complete example, as exported from the JEMH Auditing page (if you don't have this enabled, do so, and repeat the trigger to collect it).  Proving fake email content that you believe expresses the problem may work in some cases but may also waste a lot of time, delaying resolution of your problem!

DO NOT attach drag and drop email content from Outlook, they are a proprietary binary format, can't be used and will be deleted if uploaded.

DO attach your current Profile XML, exported from the JEMH Profile list page - in doing so validate that it is the same Profile that is associated with your inbound mail server.

Problems relating to issue creation / permissions

If all your users are full Jira interactive users, validate their access to the expected projects.  

For non-interactive Jira account users, validate the access (perhaps by JEMH allocated groups) are sufficient for the expected projects.

For email only users without any kind of Jira account, validate the access allocated to the Profile default reporter for the expected projects.

 Testing permissions is really quick and easy, just create a JEMH Test Case, from: the user in question to:  your inbound mailbox and run it!

Licensing Issue

 DO give TEXT copies of your Server ID and Organisation name from the Jira license screen, screenshots mean rekeying, possibly introducing typos, lets get it right first time!

Check the common problems page for existing resolutions

Some common problems have cropped up over time, see the Common Problems Page for resolutions.

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