Frequently Asked Questions
Mailserver Authentication
Gmail outbound mail requires reauthentication through Captcha
How often does JEMH Cloud poll message sources looking for new emails?
The rules depend on if the message source is online/offline (connection, authentication problems, etc), the configured interval and when was the latest message processed.
Given the user interval in minutes (default is 1 minute) current strategy is:
- Message Source is online and last seen message is less than one hour ago, polls every interval minutes
- Message Source is online and last seen message is more than one hour ago, polls every max(interval, 5) minutes
- Message Source is offline for less than one hour, polls every max(interval, 5) minutes
- Message Source is offline for more than one hour, polls every max(interval, 30) minute
- Message Source is offline for more than one day, the message handler is removed from the scheduler and the admin gets notified. No more polling. The Jira admin will need to fix the message source connection and re-enable the message handler.
How can I know which messages JEMH Cloud has sent?
You can tag JEMHC's email subjects with a Subject Prefix (like [JEMHCloud]) to you Message Outbound configuration (Messages -> Message Outbounds -> Pen/Edit Icon).
How can I restrict how many emails can an user sent to JEMHCloud?
If you want to restrict a particular email address, you can do it going to Blacklisting -> Blacklist by Email Subject.
If you want to restrict users about how many emails they can send to JEMHCloud, you can set an hourly limit going to Profiles -> Your Profile -> Cog ->Edit and set up 'Sender is Bulk' message threshold. If the configuration is 3 (really low),
when JEMHCloud receives processable messages (valid addresses, no blacklisted, match catch, no procedence:bulk) what's happening is the following:
10:00 am processed (1 in the last hour)
10:10 am processed (2 in the last hour)
10:10 am processed (1 in the last hour)
10:45 am processed (3 in the last hour)
10:50 am theuser@mail.combulk action taken (4 in the last hour)
11:20 am processed (3 in the last hour, first 2 don't count as they happened over 1 hour ago)
11:25 am theuser@mail.combulk action taken (4 in the last hour)
11:25 am theuser@mail.combulk action taken (4 in the last hour)
12:30 am processed (1 in the last hour)
What is the standard for Email Content structure, address structure, distribution list structure
An individual may have several mailboxes and wish to receive mail at whatever mailbox is convenient for the sender to access. This standard does not provide a means of specifying "any member of" a list of mailboxes. A set of individuals may wish to receive mail as a single unit (i.e., a distribution list). The <group> construct permits specification of such a list. Recipient mailboxes are speci- fied within the bracketed part (":" - ";"). A copy of the transmitted message is to be sent to each mailbox listed. This standard does not permit recursive specification of groups within groups. While a list must be named, it is not required that the con- tents of the list be included. In this case, the <address> serves only as an indication of group distribution and would appear in the form: name:; Some mail services may provide a group-list distribution facility, accepting a single mailbox reference, expanding it to the full distribution list, and relaying the mail to the list's members. This standard provides no additional syntax for indicating such a service. Using the <group> address alternative, while listing one mailbox in it, can mean either that the mailbox reference will be expanded to a list or that there is a group with one member.