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Disabled User Visibility

Choose whether to hide disabled users in CSUM tables or show them but add a “deactivated” flag to the end of their table entry.

User Group Filter

Select which group you would like to visually filter by in CSUM table views, any users not belonging to a selected group will have a “Not in group” ‘FILTERED GROUP’ flag added to their any CSUM table entry.

Auto join groups

possibly refer groups here that any user who is added to a CSUM group should be also added to

User Search Enabled

Options are Yes or No.  Setting this to Yes allows Space Administrators to perform user searches when defining users for an operation (adding to a group for example).  This is useful as it means Space Administrators do not have to rely on knowing the exact details of the users they are looking for.  However, you may want this set to No if there may be security measures in place meaning that you do not want Space Administrators to see all users in Confluence.

Personal Space User/Group Administration Allowed

Options are Yes or No.  Choose whether or not you want users that have personal spaces to be allowed to administer users/groups for their space.  This is not recommended, so if you are unsure choose NO.

Customize User Search Directories

By default, CSUM will use Confluence default search for users that includes all configured User Directories.  Its possible that a broken directory (intentional or other) will cause the search to fail.  New in 3.0.16 is the ability to select from defined User Directories, those which should be queried for users.  If a custom search is set, at least one User Directory needs to be set, otherwise default search behaviour will result.
