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Once you are happy with the configuration, click the Save button located at the bottom of the configuration page.

Delegated Group Configuration

As a system admin you can delegate the management of groups to users, either by direct authorization or by authorizing a group of users.

Adding a delegated group and authorizing users/groups

This is the view of the delegated group config, the table on the left stores groups that you would like other users/groups to manage. The table on the right shows users and groups that are authorized to manage a group, this table will populate only when a delegated group is selected on the left.


To add a delegated group click the Add Group button:


A dialogue box will appear, once you’ve typed 3 letters the selection box will search confluence for groups. Many groups can be added, simply select a group then continue typing the next group. Click submit when you're finished.


When you’ve submitted a valid Confluence group, it will appear in the Delegated Groups table, upon selecting the group the right hand side table will populate with the current authorized users/groups. Currently there are none so the table is empty.


Circled above is an indicator that shows which delegated group is selected.

To Authorize a user make sure the delegated group is selected and press the Authorize button


A dialogue box will appear, here you can authorize confluence users and groups in one action, once you're happy with your selections press the submit button.


Once you’ve submitted your groups and users will appear in their appropriate tables:


In this example the user “Sir Admin” and all the users in the group “animals” are now able to add and remove users from the group “colours”. Such management can be done from Space > Space tools > Custom Space User Management > Delegated Groups. The instructions for how to do this can be found here

Removing authorized users and groups

To remove the authorization of any users or groups you need to select the delegated group, then you can either select the users and groups (these tables feature multi select) or don't and fill in the users/groups manually in the dialogue box afterwards, then press the ‘De-authorize’ button.

Now the de-authorize dialogue box will appear.


The red ring surrounds the fill all groups and clear all groups buttons, these can be useful when de-authorizing a large number of groups. There are matching buttons for users as well.

When you’re happy with your selection(s) press the De-authorize button.

Removing a delegated group

You can remove one delegated group from the config at a time, just select the group to remove and press the remove group button.


Once clicked a dialogue box will open informing you of the authorisations that will also be removed:


Click Remove to confirm the removal of the delegated group.