Versions Compared


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Data Centre instances of Confluence will see an additional section:




Allow space group actions permitted

Options are Yes or No. Choose whether you want to allow Space Administrators the ability to perform add/remove operations on groups specified via group matching (see Space group pattern). Note that if set to no, Space admins can not still rename or create/delete groups.

Allow Space group add/remove users permitted

Options are Yes or No. Choose whether you want to allow Space Administrators the ability to perform add/remove operations on groups specified via group matching (see Space group pattern)


. Note that if set to no, Space admins can still rename or create/delete groups.

Allow delegated Group Actions Permitted

Options are Yes or No. Choose whether you want to allow Administrators the ability to delegate management of a group to other groups/users, or Space Administrators the ability to add/remove users from said delegated groups in the space view.


Enables the Space Page Datatables serverSide processing setting, improving performance of rendering Groups / Delegated Groups in the respective table.



Allow remove current user from global permission group

Options are Yes or No. Choose whether you want to allow the current user to be removed from a global permission group manually or through a CSV task. Default set to no.

Disabled User Visibility

Choose whether to hide disabled users in CSUM tables or show them but add a “deactivated” flag to the end of their table entry.
