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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


From version 1.7.2, JEMH has the ability to allow scripted decision logic at the Template level on whether or not a given notification should be sent by using the $jemhUtils.setInhibitSending(boolean) method.  The script itself can be as simple or complex as you need.

/wiki/spaces/JEMH/pages/2850840 are the raw Velocity mark-up content for email notifications.  For more information on what Velocity is and how it is used, see the official user guide here.

Project Mapping Solution

If you do not want to customize templates, it is possible to add inhibition logic at the ProjectMapping config level, see:

The Velocity Context

The usual velocity context references are available to help you script your decision logic, there is also a helper class available $jemhUtils , see the API link below for additional methods available:


Code Block
#if ($!recipientEmail && $recipientEmail.matches(".*"))
  #set ($inhibitedMsg = "Recipient is inhibited: "+$recipientEmail )
 .. the rest of the template, no point rendering

Inhibiting by user group


JIRA 6.4

Code Block
#if($groupManager.isUserInGroup($recipientUser, "jira-administrators"))
  $jemhUtils.setInhibitSendingReason("Inhibiting notifiction to jira-administrators")

Code Block
#if($groupManager.isUserInGroup($recipientUser.getDirectoryUser(), "jira-administrators"))
  $jemhUtils.setInhibitSendingReason("Inhibiting notifiction to jira-administrators")

Inhibiting by user picker custom field

Code Block
##Customfield id format example customfield_00000
#set($inhibitTheseUsers = $issue.getCustomFieldValue("<your_custom_field_id>))

  $jemhUtils.setInhibitSendingReason("Inhibiting notifiction to <your_custom_field_id>")

Inhibiting the ISSUE_CREATED notification when the issue was created by email


Once you've created the custom field, make a note of the ID on the Cog > Configure link, (hover, look at URL), it will be something like:


The Custom Field default value for interactive users:


Once this has been done, the following velocity script can be inserted into a custom Template Set.  This script will inhibit the sending of the notification when the issue is submitted via email but allow the notification through if it was created interactively.

Code Block
#if ($!issue.getCustomField("customfield_10100") && $!issue.getCustomFieldValue("customfield_10100")) 
    #if ($issue.getCustomFieldValue("customfield_10100")=="Email")
        $jemhUtils.setInhibitSendingReason("This notification was inhibited because the issue was created by email")
        <h3>Create by Email</h3>
        <h3>Created Interactively</h3> 
		... Your email template here

The method $!issue.getCustomField has been removed since Jira 8.19.0. Please use the following if using a later version. For more info see:

Code Block
#if ($!customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject("customfield_10100") && $!issue.getCustomFieldValue("customfield_10100")) 
    #if ($issue.getCustomFieldValue("customfield_10100")=="Email")
        $jemhUtils.setInhibitSendingReason("This notification was inhibited because the issue was created by email")
        <h3>Create by Email</h3>
        <h3>Created Interactively</h3> 
		... Your email template here


Filter by label (Content by label)
showSpaceevent listener jemh issue notification
cqllabel in ( "macro" , "notification" , "velocity" , "event" ) and space = "JEMH"
labelsevent listener jemh issue notification
Page Properties

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