There are many ways to get support, duplication of reports across channels will not get them answered sooner!
JEMH issue tracker on Jira - Our Support Portal is the primary support communication method
Ask a question - appropriate for simple questions or queries
Email our support desk - through the use of our wonderful JEMH Cloud app, it results in to create a private support ticket in our Jira anyway!
Telephone (office: +44 1242 802-757 - mobile: +44 791 468 3169) within UK office hours (above). Telephone is not a primary support communication method, conversations cannot be referred, there is no history and in most cases, Issues would still be required (above) to better manage the case
Live video calls are also not a primary support communication method. This channel may be considered for use once our primary channel (Jira) has been used and has proven to not be enough to get a support request resolved.