Dashboard Gadgets

New in this release are a few Dashboard gadgets (See Install the Dashboard Gadget)

Message / Data consumptionUsage History

Comment Only Mode handling

Previously when in Comment Only mode, JEMHC would Drop messages not relating to an issue (ise would be a crate candidate emaill), now there is a configurable Failure Action to Drop or Forward:

Plan exceeded handling change

Previously, when a Plan was consumed, JEMHC would block further inbound message retrieval but continue to permit any amount of outbound notification.  Now, once a Plan has been consumed, in addition to inbound messages retrieval being blocked, outbound event notifications will only be permitted for a short 'grace' period, allowing up to additional 10% Plan usage before finally stopping.  Plan capacity will be need to continue using JEMHC in either inbound or outbound primary modes!  

What are Plans?

Plans are what JEMHC applies to each JIRACloud subscribed instance and represent an allocation of Messages and Data, like a mobile phone 'plan'. Plans are allocated based on the active numbers of JIRA users you have. The reason for the plan is to protect the system from massive throughput, usually due to a misconfiguration / mail loop. Plans are not meant to be a revenue generating vehicle, there are an escape valve for higher volume users!

When users first evaluate JEMHC, the 'Plan' allocated is the smallest one, so that any problems can be ironed out before any 'major' problems occur. Upgrades to 'right size' during eval are available on request.

Plan changes on active subscription

Once your subscription goes active, you're entitled to Plan allocation based on users, sometimes this does't happen, perhaps there hasn't been significant traffic to demonstrate everything is ticking over as you'd expect, it won't cause a problem and can be fixed at any point with a mail to jemhc-support@thepluginpeople.com

Upgrade Options

If you are likely to exceed your Plan, there are two options, DataPacks and PlanUpgrades. Neither are available through Marketplace which does not yet have the concept of volume-related billing. DataPacks give additional capacity on demand with Plan Upgrades being a longer term option, as they are available only on an annual basis.

See App licensing for more details.

Common Questions

Q1. I want unlimited data/traffic.

A1. That's not available, all usage is governed by Plans. All users get a Plan in order to manage overall volume handled by the system, to make sure one user doesn't put undue loading on the system (yes JEMHC is a cloud based horizontally scalable system, but scaling costs) and make sure that increases in message and data handling that require infrastructure scaling can be funded.

Q2. We consumed the Plan, its wrong, it needs right sizing

A2. JEMHC Plans are expected to easily meet 80% of all users needs at each user level and are constantly under review. If you happen to exceed your Plan, its quite possible its because your usage is just higher than most and does not mean Plans need increasing to accommodate!