Basic Set Up for HTML Include-Replace
The starting point for HTML Include-Replace should be the configuration page (accessible via System > Configuration > HTML Include Replace).
HTML IR Admin configuration
Configuration | Description | Criteria |
Reduce common script execution vectors | Global setting to apply methods for reduce script execution - its not a silver bullet! | N/A |
Custom error message | Displayed when accessing a URL which is not white listed - this error message is encountered during the use of the Macro when a attempt has been made to access a non-white listed URL. | Valid message (empty value will result back to the default message) Default message - xhtml+html-include-replace; The URL specified is not whitelisted. Please speak to a system administrator. |
Full URL | A target URL to white list
| N/A |
Sort by | The list of URLs is displayed in a table in the Whitelisted URL section in which you can sort the list at a preference sort method. | N/A |
Access the Macro
Macro configuration
Configuration | Description | Criteria |
URL | The target URL which the Macro is going to render/display | The target URL is to be white listed |
Width | Width of the Macro (only available if the container is set to iframe) | Numeric Value |
Height | Height of the Macro (only available if the container is set to iframe) | Numeric Value |
Container | Applicable containers
| N/A |
Engine | Applicable Engines:
| N/A |
Include Scripts | Script tags from the HTML of the targeted page will be removed to prevent any processing of the JavaScript - please refer to Exclude Scripts for an example! | N/A |
Include Styles | Style tags from the HTML of the targeted page will be removed. | N/A |