As of JEMH 4.0.15 there were some major changes to auditing feature in JEMH this blog post will explain the differences and important compatibility differences.

Removal of Forever Retention on Auditing

Due to the the updates and fixes to JEMH’s Incoming Mail and Notification History audit history search filters and search results means we could potentially search on extremely large data sets. To alleviate this problem the Forever option has been removed, as JEMH is not meant to be an archiving solution for incoming mail/notifications!

If require archiving it is suggested to configure this in your mail servers i.e. automatically duplicating an email into a separate folder if using IMAP.

Updated/Fixed Auditing Searching

Incoming Mail

Inconsistent Status filter searching fixed

Previously searching for a specific Status i.e. Forward would not show all records that were considered forwarded, due to differences between Status (shown on the front end) and Outcome (previously not shown/searched). This has changed in version 4.0.15 and the previous Status filter has now been separated into two filters Status and Outcome as detailed in: Incoming Mail new Auditing Statuses/Outcomes.

Auditing Records created prior to 4.0.15 are incompatible for new search filters Status/Outcome

Due to the differences of how Status and Outcome are handled, any audit record before version 4.0.15 is not searchable using the Status and Outcome filters and they will be represented a new lozenge old: OLD: <STATUS NAME> and an UNKNOWN lozenge for outcome example below:

Auditing Page example

Project Auditing example

Notification History and Incoming Mail

Pagination after searching would only show first page of results for each new page

Previously when applying a search filter i.e. Issue Key we would correctly set the number of page results however when the result list was more than 1 then the consecutive pages would only show results from the first page. This has been fixed in version 4.0.15.

Pagination after searching with any search filter parameters i.e. project or search filter will reset filters.

When a search returns results several pages switching to the next page using the pagination search parameters are no longer applied and on consecutive pages he result that would be on the result of that page number with default parameters applied.
The solution previously was to search again on the problem page so that the search parameters are applied again. In version 4.0.15 this has been fixed.

Incoming Mail new Auditing Statuses/Outcomes

Previously we showed Statuses however due to Issue detailed in Updated/Fixed Auditing Searching for Incoming Mail statuses and outcomes are now shown. Please see: for an explanation on each new Status/Outcome. Filters have been added to accommodate for As shown below:

Auditing Page example

Project Auditing example