JEMH Extension Points

JEMH Extension Points

 You'll need intermediate to advanced levels of Java development experience and knowledge of the Jira API. The support provided by us for JEMH does not cover extension development.

Extension Points

  • id-provider – provides a way to provide a mapped, correct or looked-up user details for a given sender email address (e.g. LDAP)

  • message-filter – provides a way to add further filters on incoming mail, at this time no changes to mail content can be made, only decisions to process, forward, drop etc.

  • custom-field-adapter – provides a way for 3rd party custom fields that don't follow the convention of the JIRA custom fields to be populated as part of email processing.

  • field-processor – provides a way to inject custom processing behaviour into the JEMH processing chain, such processing can 'claim' emails so even per-email targeted processing is possible.

  • pre-proc-task provides a way to add additional pre-processing tasks that can alter email content found in headers, allowing processing outcomes to change

  • transport – add additional event notification transports that can provide alternative channels of outbound communication

Example extensions

There are some rough examples available to get you on the right track: https://bitbucket.org/pluginpeople-public/jemh-example-extensions/

Maven repository

Our public Maven repository can be found here: JEMH Nexus Repository.

Java API

Documentation can be found here: JEMH API Javadoc. Please note that the API's are subject to change, so occasional maintenance may be necessary.

Building the examples

Right now, the JEMH jemh-apijemh-ao jar will need to be installed into your local maven repository.  Download JEMH from the Marketplace, open the archive, extracting the two jars from META-INF/lib.  Install each using mvn install as follows (the examples pom.xml should be updated to reflect this version):

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=jemh-api.2.4.1.jar -DgroupId=com.javahollic.jira.jemh -DartifactId=jemh-api -Dversion=2.4.1 -Dpackaging=jar

Once installed, the example project can be checked out with:

git clone https://bitbucket.org/pluginpeople-public/jemh-example-extensions/

Building with mvn is as easy as:

cd jemh-example-extensions mvn clean install

Example plugin JAR's will be in each modules target folder, and can be installed manually by uploading through the JIRA plugin screen.