Does the emh.log contain a record of emails sent? verifying what got sent to whom?


JEMH logging

The JEMH specific logfile (emh.log) referred on the wiki can record very detailed records of processing, but there is not logfile specific to incoming email vs actual notified recipients. JEMH 'can' deal with non-JIRA participants, JIRA users, both or none. Unless JEMH is fully delegated to do everything, any logging wouldn't be guaranteed to cover all cases anyway. As JEMH segregates notifications to non-JIRA users and JIRA-users, any such notifications would at least be referred in two places. Having a separate logfile with just this kind of information is actually a good idea, so I'll probably chalk that up as a new feature.


JEMH Auditing traces what emails have been received, and what issue (s) were affected. Going to the issue you can see that related email addresses are included as prefixes to such descriptions and comments. Auditing does not trace outbound notifications.

Tracing notifications

Inbound emails being processed and outbound notifications are somewhat disconnected. Emails create issues and comments, that generate events, that are inferred to be non-JIRA or JIRA user notifications.

JEMH does have a feature 'Notification History' which is enabled in the Event Listener and causes, largely, exactly what you ask for, it allows Traceability of the conversation, and events, on the issue, tracing the flow of email notifications.

Define 'sent'

I'm being particular, JEMH may enqueue a notification, all things being equal, that email will be valid, the admin will actually have a SMTP server setup, and will not have disabled outbound notifications, they will also have ensured the smtp credentials have not expired, that no mailserver issues prevent loss, and finally, that nobody pulls the plugin on JIRA which would result in total loss of all notifications in the queue (something Im working on in a different project).

So, whilst JEMH can log 'inbound mail sent to recipients' etc, the actual certainty that it was 'sent' is somewhat based on trust too.


Test it, if you deploy JEMH and run through test notification scenarios, you should be able to verify things work as you expect. You should then also be able to see that mail that cannot be processed (at all) for a variety of reasons gets pushed forward for human intervention. Anything that is not processed successfully usually results in a forwarded message.

There are hundreds of organisations using JEMH, If any one found an issue that affected notifications it would be serious, and an immediate bugfix would be released. JEMH can do many things, testing it is a huge effort.