Why is my inbound addressee being added as a watcher?


With auto user creation enabled, JEMH, unless specifically told, won't know an inbound email address from just another user. Enterprising users won't necessarily use the JIRA email address as the TO: recipient, it could be a cc:

Solution 1

The ccToWatcher is enabled, and can simply be disabled. Whilst solving the issue, if the sender was to add another users email address as a recipient, JEMH would not be able to add that user to the watcher list.

Solution 2

Use JEMH Addressee regexps which is a comma separated value, in the Email Section. For example, if you have two inbound addresses, 'abc@domain.com' and '123@domain.com'. To match both of these, a wildcard can be used: .*@domain.com