What pre-filtering does JEMH do?

Message Filters

JEMH applies several filters to all incoming mail that is pulled from the mail queue.  While these message filters can be enabled and disabled, it is recommended that they are left enabled.

Filter Name


Filter Name


CatchEmail Address

Ensures appropriate minimum requirements like a valid from: and to: address, this checking requires that if a catchmail/jemhAddresseeRegexp is set, that an addressee of the email matches one of these. Failures to match will be forwarded to stop mail queue blocking.

Comment size or number

Restricts the numbers and size of comments to an issue. A safeguard against spamming and/or runaway automation. If left unchecked, issue sizes can grow larger than the VM footprint causing instant OutOfMemory crashes.

Non JIRA account holder Security Check filter

If an email is a comment on a pre-existing issue and the sender is a non-JIRA account holder, then the sender must already be listed in the non-jira user email address Custom Field, if not, the mail is rejected.

Precedence: bulk/junk/list and Auto-submitted:auto-replied

If the inbound message has the Precedence header set, the related Profile controls the processing behaviour.

Valid Email Address

Ensures that any email must have a valid to: and from: address, failures are forwarded.


if the profile defines whitelisting/greylisting/blacklisting then they are filtered and potentially silently dropped at this point.


Intercepts non-delivery messages from mailservers.


Filter to weed out X-Spam-Flag mails.

User Signup

Handles Messages from users replying to user-creation confirmation requests.


Filter to weed out mails with this servers X-JIRA-FINGERPRINT, resulting in forwarding.

Status Notification Action

Intercepts mails that are a reply to a JEMH Summary Notification, processing summary for actions, e.g. when content is single word: Unsubscribe.

Reasons for filtering


This filter blocks JEMH processing mail sent  from this Jira instance and forwards such mails to the Profile > Notifications > Forward user. This can happen for several reasons: 

  • The Jira mailbox address that feeds JEMH has been specifically listed in an email Custom Field (JEMH actually removes mailbox addresses matching the Profile > Email > Catch Email Address ).

  • One of the Jira user participants of the issue has an email address which is driving JEMH (no user in Jira should have an email address matching a mailbox).

  • A feature of JEMH Use Adhoc Notifications is to allow notifications to be sent from Jira to any address, a user could send it to an internal mailbox address.