Add Jira User Senders to a Custom Field on Comment

This script is to be used in the Script Field Processor ( ) and requires emails to have an issue key in the subject in order to identify the issue that is to be commented on.


Summary: Add Jira user senders to a multi user picker Custom Field on an issue if they are not already present, when commenting on an issue.

Here is a quick rundown of what this script does:

  • Check if the email sender is a Jira user

  • If they are a Jira user, check the subject for an issue key (this shows the email is commenting on an existing issue)

  • If an issue key is found, locate the issue to be commented on using this key

  • Extract the current values of the Custom Field

  • Check if the sender is already in this field

  • If they are not, then they will be added

Example Script

var from = fromAddress.getAddress(); var jiraUser = jemhUtils.getUserByEmail(from); if(jiraUser == null) { print("Sender was not a Jira User"); } else { var pattern = Java.type("java.util.regex.Pattern").compile"([A-Z]+-[0-9]+)"); var matcher = pattern.matcher(subject); if(matcher.find()) { var group =; var issue = issueManager.getIssueObject(group); var jiraUserField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Jira Users Field"); var jiraUsers = issue.getCustomFieldValue(jiraUserField); if(!jiraUsers.contains(jiraUser)) { jiraUsers.add(jiraUser); print(jiraUsers); resultMap.put("Jira Users Field", jiraUsers); } } }


On line 14 and line 19, change 'Jira Users Field' to the name of your user picker Custom Field.


Please Note: This script only works for comments that are added to existing issues. If you want to add a Jira User sender to a Custom Field on CREATE, this can be done in Email → Sender Processing in your profile.