Velocity - Validate recipients email address and set custom field accordingly

This example performs a search against the recipients in the To and Cc headers for specific email address domain and set the value in the custom field Internal or External based on that email address. For example, is internal email address and is external and if the incoming email contains any of email addresses with in the To or Cc it will set the custom field to External or vice versa.


#set ($catchAddress = $jemhUtils.getCatchEmailAddress().getAddress()) #set ($finalValue = "internal") #foreach($address in $toAddresses) #if(!$address.getAddress().toLowerCase().endsWith("") && !$address.getAddress().equalsIgnoreCase($catchAddress)) #set ($finalValue = "external") #end #end #foreach($address in $ccAddresses) #if(!$address.getAddress().toLowerCase().endsWith("") && !$address.getAddress().equalsIgnoreCase($catchAddress)) #set ($finalValue = "external") #end #end $finalValue