V1.0.135 deployed

Since v1.0.127 some great new features are now available, in this release:


Lots of fine tuning to themes, convenience edit links, grouping, sorting.  Themes are now exportable and importable as a set (includes style, macros and defined templates) meaning themes can be shared (this is something for the future).  System Themes and imported themes are readonly (effectively making them the 'golden' copy), only user imported Themes are deletable!  See:

Improved Alias entry

Aliases were previously a bit slow to add, this has now been speeded up greatly.

Blacklisting and Whitelisting outbound notification recipients

Its now possible to also set a regular expression for just the domains that should be notified by JEMHC, see the Blacklisting > Outgoing section.  For example, this means that anyone can create issues by email, but notifications can be restricted to just your business users.  the logic for whether a user would receive a notification is driven by both blacklist and whitelist:

  • SEND if ( whitelist is empty || recipient in whitelist) && ( blacklist is empty || recipient not in blacklist)

Its also possible to inhibit sending of a given mail to a given recipient based on issue properties ( Inhibit notifications based on run-time conditions ).

Coming Soon

Message Sources and Message Outbound configuration

Things were getting a bit crowded on the dialogs previously used, these configurations will move to full screen.

Outbound mail tagging

Outbound mail will soon be taggable through mail headers from issue properties (eg project, priority) such that email clients will be able to group them in folders as needed, see Enable client side filtering and sorting of messages.

Dropping mail based on mail headers

The proliferation of JEMHC services has meant that we are getting notification emails from other JEMHC systems.  We'll be adding specific support to allow mail to be dropped when mail has specific user-configured mail headers, such as those set by JEMHC ( X-SentBy-JEMHC: true )

Current Volume

FYI, in Feb, JEMHC processed 14K emails and 1.1GB of email data!