V1.3.162 Released

Notification template macro change

What has changed?

The jemhIncludeIssueHeader Velocity macro found in templates based on the “Generic” and “Jira” themes has been modified. This macro no longer renders the jemhIncludeUserRole macro, which is used to display the notification recipient’s role in the related issue.

How does this impact my configuration?

If you are using a default template provided by JEMHC, or are using a custom template that calls jemhIncludeIssueHeader then a Jira user recipients role (e.g. Reporter, Assignee) will no longer be rendered in the notification.

Why has this change occurred?

Rendering recipient-specific information (such as issue role) means that JEMHC can’t send the same email content to multiple Jira users when “BCC” recipient type is chosen in the notification mapping. Therefore, it had to send a separate message for each user with a unique role. With this change, most customers should see a reduction in the amount of messages consumed from their plan.

How do I get roles in notifications again?

Inserting the below macro may increase message usage as it adds recipient-specific content.

If you need the recipient user’s role to appear on notifications, this can be done by using a custom template. Create a template based on the Jira or Generic theme, and insert #jemhIncludeUserRole() in the desired location. For example, in an HTML template based on the default (see lines 8-12):

#@issueNotification() <table id="background-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> #jemhIncludeStandardActionHeader() <tr> <td id="email-content-container"> <table id="email-content-table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"> #jemhIncludeIssueHeader() <tr> <td class="email-content-main mobile-expand wrapper-special-margin"> #jemhIncludeUserRole() </td> </tr> #jemhIncludeIssueDetail($serviceJiraFields) #jemhIncludeBody() #jemhIncludeDirectiveSetLinks() #renderCustomerSatisfaction() #jemhIncludeAddComment() #jemhIncludeFooter() </table> </td> </tr> </table> #end #inhibitSendingConditions()

Then when a real notification is sent, recipients with a role in the issue will have their role displayed. For example:

Issues fixed

JEMHC-2439 Remove recipient role from default notification templates in order to reduce message usage in BCC mode

JEMHC-2431 Prevent standard headers (to/cc) from being added as sender address header

JEMHC-2422 Improve message source hostname validation

JEMHC-2326 Restricted upload of HTML static resources to prevent possibility of stored XSS