Connect JEMHC to IMs for Monitoring

JEMHC can notify Slack Channels when messages are received and sent, this provide a view of current activity - and a sense of well-being that all mail services are working!

JEMHC has two categories of notifications, Global and Project. Global notifications relate to JEMHC activities (mail forwarded etc), Project notifications relate to inbound email processing and outbound email notifications.

Integrating IM notifications will provide valuable feedback as to when messages come in (validating JEMHC is successfully retrieving mail from your mailbox), when email notifications are sent out, when some expected alternative behaviours is performed like an email blacklisting and when there is actually an error performing operations.

Creating a Slack Connection

  1. In order to receive IM Auditing Notifications you need to have a Slack. If you haven't already, follow the Slack How-To.

Setting up Slack Auditing Notifications

  1. Navigate to the JEMHC Auditing tab:

  2. Select IM Notifications - Create

  3. Enter a name. Select the type. Slack is recommended as Hipchat is being deprecated and removed from JEMHC in version 1.3.0.

  4. Pick your scope, Global will be specific to JEMHC system events, or you may want to configure for Project Issue and Notification related notifications. 

  5. Select the Slack Connection and Channel.

  6. Scroll down to control what system notifications are sent there:

  7. Submit

  8. All done, you can test the configuration by performing JEMHCloud operations, e.g. run a JEMH Cloud → Test Case.  For example, force a non catch email by running a test case with a non support email address recipient.

  9. Slack will show messages like this: