Project Groups/Users

Project Groups/Users

Project groups

Creating a project group

In order to allow the creation of Project specific groups, you will need to have the Group Actions Permitted setting enabled in the PUM configuration.

Once you have navigated to the PUM interface in your desired Project, you can now proceed to create groups that are specific to the Project alone. Groups created in the Project will be prefixed and suffixed with preconfigured values that can be modified in the PUM configuration page. By default all project group names are prefixed with the Project key for the project.

To create a new project group, press the Create group button. Pressing the button will open the Create group pop-up window, the desired name for the group can be entered in the Group Name field, a preview of the final group name will be shown in the Preview field with the configured group name prefix and suffix applied. Also, there is an optional field Project Role, which allows to add a new group to the desired Project role. In this example the project key is PUM so the final group name has been prefixed Project Key and the PUM-groupA group will be added to the Developers project role.













Pressing the Create button will close the group creation dialogue, the newly created group will now be shown in the list of space groups.

If Project Role has been selected during group creation, then the newly created group will be added under Users and roles as well.

Deleting a space group

To delete a project group from a Jira Project, click on the name of an existing project group within PUM, clicking on a project group will select the group. Once a group has been selected it will be highlighted, pressing the Delete Group button above the list of group members will then trigger a warning pop-up where you must confirm that you really do want to delete the selected project group. Upon pressing Delete the group will be removed from Jira and the list of Project Groups in PUM will update to reflect the group deletion.













Renaming a space group

Renamed project groups retains all permissions and user membership that were present prior to renaming. Only project permissions + users and roles are transferable for the current project. Any other scheme association (i.e. Notification scheme) will be lost during the Renaming of a group.

Jira does not have a built in method to allow the renaming of a group once it has been created. Project groups present within PUM can be renamed from within PUM.

To rename a project group you must first select an existing group, pressing a group name in the list of project groups will select the group, once selected the group name will be highlighted. To rename the selected group, press the Rename Group button above the group membership section.

Upon pressing Rename Group a pop-up window will appear where you can define the new name for the project-group, the name will be prefixed and suffixed with the preconfigured prefix and suffix that has been configured with PUM. 

Enter the new name for the project group within the New Name text field and then press Rename to rename the group. The pop-up window will close once the renaming process has completed, the newly renamed group will then be shown in the list of project groups within PUM.





Managing project group memberships

Adding users to a project group

To add users to an existing project group, first select the project group by clicking on its name or press on the Add users button. Click Add User which will trigger a pop-up window where multiple users can be selected. Within the Select User(s) field you can begin typing the names of existing Jira users, suggestions for users will appear below the field, pressing on a user's name will add them to to the field. Or use Import users via group in which the users in a specified group will be added to the group in question.

Multiple users can be defined in the Select User(s) field to be added to a project group.











Upon pressing Add the selected user(s) will be added to the project group as group members. The members of the project group will be updated in the PUM view.

Removing users from a project group

To remove users from an existing project group, first select the project group containing the users by clicking on its name, this will load the group members into the membership pane on the right side of the PUM view. Within the membership pane you can then use the search box to find the users to remove from the group, clicking on a user will select that user (currently selected users are highlighted), multiple users can be selected by holding Ctrl when clicking. Once all the desired users to remove from the group have been selected, click the Remove User button above the membership pane, the selected users will be removed from the selected Project Group.






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