Customising the Approval Request Email Notification

This documentation is a step by step guide on how to modify the approval macro to add additional customisation of the message or modify the existing message.

Steps to take

  1. Make a copy of your JSM Theme via JEMHC Configuration > Notifications > Themes > Create as shown below. More information how to do this here: .

    A create pop up should appear. Select your Issue Updated and/or Issue Created template sets (dependant on when you approvals occur) and click submit. Example below:


  2. Select the Macro tab to view Theme Macros. Hint: If you need further changes to the CSS click the style tab.


  3. Then look for renderApprovals macro add a condition to only render the velocity snippet when approval buttons are present:

    #$approvalButtons = $jemhApprovalsManager.getApprovalButtons())set( #if($approvalButtons.size() > 0) ##Your custom stuff## #end

    Example below:


  4. Ensure your outbound notifications configuration page has been setup to handle JSM Approvals as per .

  5. Update your outbound theme to reflect the theme with your Approval Macro Modifications and Submit changes.


  6. To Preview the approvals buttons, currently, you have to use JEMHC > Notifications > Preview where the recipient is picked, there you can see what Customers would see vs Agents for a given Event.

  7. Validate that your changes have been made in an actually sent test email.